
What really is an older mom

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at what age do you think. Also do you know anyone that has had a baby later in life and how was the kids health? One I can think of a friend of my had a girl at 40 and the kid was just fine.

I want to have our 2nd soon (getting pregnant that is and I am 34 I live in an area where people get married super young and start a family that night lol. So I am the old ball.




  1. I wouldn't consider you an older mom. However, you have to think about later down the road. When your child is 15 and into sports you will be 49 and may not have the energy you do now. When your child is 20 you will be 54... I think that as long as you think about these things and still plan to be or think you will be able to be active in your childs life it's fine. As far as health of the baby, I think at 34 everything should be ok.. Maybe you could get the Ok from your doc first or at least get his/her opinion...

    Good luck!

  2. nah, your just fine, go for it.  your only as old as you feel.  who cares if the kids in your town are getting married and pregnant the same night:)  a co worker of mine had a child at 40 and hes a healthy normal kid

  3. I'd say past age 35, which is when the chances of certain complications from genetic issues rise significantly.

  4. 45+ is old to have children my mom had her last at 40, shes in good shape and my brother is happy and healthy. not to mention youll be old when the child is older. 34 is young, who cares about the other couples

  5. I think after age 35 is an older mom.

    I am 27 and just had a baby and feel a lot older then when I had my first child at 22.

    Nothing will be wrong with the baby just because your older look at all the celebrities that have babies and are in their 40s.

    Nicole, Salma are just a few.

  6. i think you are still young to have a baby! 40+ is alittle much but you still have awhile to go. good luck

  7. Look at all the celebrities that are having babies after they are 40. My mom had me when she was 36 and I am just fine. My step-sister-in-law just had a baby at 41 and then 1 month later had her 2nd grand baby.

  8. I think of anyone over 40+ having a baby as older.

    I have two friends that had little girls at the age of 41 both are healthy.  

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