
What remedies are lemons used for????

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Just wanted to know what type of remedies lemons are used for. Thanks!




  1. Lemon should be drunk with a straw to avoid the loss of tooth enamel but here are some remedies that lemons are used for

    Cures and Helps Fight Contraction of Smallpox, CuresAppendicitis,

    Cleans the Stomach,


    and Dissolves Body Fat or Grease,

    Useful towards Hernias,

    Heavy Legs,


    Strengthens the Gums and

    cures Gingivitis,

    Calms Headaches

    and Nervous Aches,

    Cures Typhus,

    Avoids and Fights Premature Aging,

    Helps Avoid Baldness and Strengthens Hair also Keeps it Healthy,

    Purifies the Blood,

    Is Recommended for Sexual Weakness,

    Helps with the Bile Duct and Gall Bladder,

    Contains or Stops Hemorrhage,

    Disinfects all kinds of Wounds,

    Cures Flu Symptoms,

    Promotes the Secretion of Sweat and Urine,

    Cures Rheumatism and Gout,

    Favors the Elimination of Certain Intestinal Parasites,

    Promotes a Healthy Appetite and Gastric Juices in the Stomach,

    Cures Tonsillitis,

    Fights Diarrhea and Dysentery,

    Smooths and Embalms the Skin,

    Normalizes the Heart Beat,

    Stimulates Hepatic Function,

    Refreshes and Cures Thirst

    and Cures Chronic Insomnia.

    Hope this will help you!!

  2. A good review of the benefits of lemon is:


  3. As my Psysiology lecturer says: 'Everything is good in moderation'.


    To Refresh Tired/dry eyes

    I use lemon to refresh my eyes. After wearing contact lense for the day, my eyes are dry/tired. I use a eye bath, fill it with purified water, and add 4 drops of lemon from a fresh lemon.

    I then rinse my eyes with this. It works great, it prevents conjuctivitis {eye infection}, and its much much cheaper than over-the-counter eye drops. According to the ebook, Perfect Eyes, doing this, also improves eyesight, and i have noticed an improvement.



    Put some diluted lemon juice on the acne areas, with a cotton bud. This can reduce inflammation and promotes faster healing

    Hope this helps.

  4. none lemons are very acidic and therefore not good for your body which is an alkaline structure.

  5. Lemons contain citric acid which is an anti-bacterial (kills germs). Gargle w/ lemon for sore throat. Lemons are used to prevent and treat scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency. For rheumatism, take juice of 1/2 lemon (w/ molasses) 3x daily before meals.

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