
What rodent should i have

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i have some gerbils and some dwarf hamsters i have to get rid of 1 due to space i like gerbils coz therefun to watch and they go to bed wen i go to bed but i think gerbils are to big i have 2 in a 3ft fish tank and the dwarfs are kl coz there really cudely and small but keep me up at night i also have a 3ft fish tank for them WT SHOULD I KEEP GERBIL OR DWARF HAMSTERS




  1. Well by what you wrote it looks like you'd rather have the DWARF HAMPSTERS so I would go with those since you seem to like them more

  2. I would suggest keeping the dwarfs. As you say, they're small and cuddly and the gerbils are a bit too big. If the dwarfs keep you awake at night how about moving them out of your room. I kept my mice on the a table in the lounge room. Alternatively you could cover their cage at night with a thick cloth to muffle the noise and oil and clean any of their toys that may squeak and make noise, that may limit the disturbance somewhat and you may find that you'll get used to the noise after a while. I find that having a fan going in the room helps cover other more annoying noises and the sound of the fan is constant which makes it easy to sleep through and get used to.

    Another idea is to actually keep the gerbil's instead of the dwarf hamsters. If you're having a problem with space how about using the tank you used for the dwarfs, cut a hole in the side of both tanks and put a pipe between them. Then your gerbils would have plenty of space. I did this with my mice and they absolutely loved it. One side was for sleeping and playing and the other was for eating and stuff.

    So there's some ideas you could consider, hope they help. Good luck in your choice.

  3. I would keep the Gerbils they are more intelligent and they give you sleep unlike the Dwarfs!!

    -I ♥ ?

  4. If you don't have space to care for the animals you have now, you shouldn't  get more.  

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