
What should I do??? help me?

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My dad will not let me dye my hair and my mom might let me if I ask her about 10 times...I'm a redhead and I do not want to go with a wild color, I want to dye it dark brown or somthing. But my dad says it will make my hair unhealthy if I dye it and that's just a bull S.H.I.T...right!!! please help me!!! thanks




  1. My dad said the samething to me, but i knew he was lying. so then i kept buggin him and he said no its gonna cost me a lot of money so i did it myself. he was still upset but he got over it.

  2. I think it should be up to you if you want to dye your hair. BUT, your dad is right when he says it makes your hair unhealthy. It pretty much rewens your hair. I did it for a while with high quality product and yeah, I'll never do it again. Healthy hair will grow back but thats takes years. Just think hard before you do it, and if you decide to do it make sure you don't go over the time on the box that it says to leave the dye in. good luck kido!

  3. Try to come up with a convincing argument to persuade your father, otherwise you are out of luck.

  4. he is right

  5. Well, I'd hate to tell you to go against your parents. I think that you should always try to understand that they truely think they know whats best for you. And ps there are really harsh chemicals involved here.

    BUT.... in this case (and of course you didn't give me enough detail to truly understand what's really going on) your fathers answer didn't realy sound like a good arguement against somthing your really want to do for yourself. and also, in truth, you haven't really comeup with a good debate as to why you feel he should let you do it. PS if you really want to carry this thing out you should know that you may end up with a head of hair you really can't stand you you could be mocked for a very long time. So pick your fights well.

  6. Dye it, it will always grow out!

  7. If you are under 18 years old, you have to realize that what your parents say...goes.

  8. You will make you hair unhealthy....I know from expirence.

    But your dad sounds like a control freak. I helped my daughter put in  purple dye yesterday. It's her head...that's my theory. If I were you (if your dad won't beat you) just go get a dye and do it yourself. If damage is the issue use Nice and Easy It is a temporary dye that washes out after a month.

  9. tell him that it is a decision u hav made as a responsible young adult and it is important 2 u =]

  10. they make hair dye with out all the harsh chemicals now

  11. actully its not bull sh*t!!!! it does damage ur hair... i have highlights, more of my hair is falling out then before...i have brown hair and i got blonde highlights....and the most of the hairs that are falling out...are blonde....remember u are dealing with chemicals here...its not so crazy that it damages ur hair

  12. pull at his heart strings and say you are being bullied about your hair at school and come to a compromise like just getting highlights or having a semi permanent dye so that if he doesnt like it it will wash out anyway. i like red hair and have spent a fortune dying my hair red if i could swap with you i would my hair is boring brown

  13. Try to convince them of natural hair dyes using plants like henna see link

  14. it depends, how old are you? you could wait until ur big enough to make decisions for urself. i used to dye my hair when i was younger and it was always soooo bad, so my advice would be to wait. besides, u should accept urself the way u are, red hair is pretty

  15. if you dye it more then once every half of year it might do some un-noticible damage over a period of 80 years, but other then that your alright - as long as you dont dye it once a  week, it shouldnt have noticeble affects - if any. just tell your dad you will dye it once and never again, when it wares of, then worry about your second stroy to dye it again

  16. Explain to your Dad that there are no health concerns of your hair when you dye your hair.  Back it up with researched documents on the web.

    Once you show you Dad that there are no issues unhealthy hair, I'm sure he'll be swayed :)

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