I'm a teachers aide for a local daycare.I work w/ 2 yr olds in the potty training room.So that alone is a hand full. However,the "head" teacher is driving me insane.She barks orders to me left & right as she basically sits or stands there & does nothing.She tells me that everything I do is wrong & that I need to work faster.I change,dress,potty train,clean,discipline, take care of nap, etc etc etc for 14-16 kids! She does nothing. She tells me to cut my hour breaks short b/c she's always running late & insults me everday.& worst of all she is TERRIBLE w/ the kids. "I'm done with you!" "I want you gone" "Get away from me" "Stop saying juicy it's JUICE" She will tell me to ignore children, like if they run off outside. I'd even had one run out of the school almost.She yells at them,barks at them & she has even slapped a child! No joke! Last week I did go to the office to complain &there were possible plans of getting rid of her but nothing have changed I have another meeting tomorrow.