
What should I do now??

by Guest11089  |  earlier

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This is my situation. I am 15, my ex is 15 as well. I am pregnant.

About a week ago my ex and I decided that he could come to the doctors appointments and could have supervised visits at my house. We had a lawyer finalize all of this. Now I got a call from one of his friends today that he was picked up by the police for drinking and doing drugs last night. He has gotten into trouble before, but nothing like this and I don't want that around my daughter! My daughter deserves a better life than a father that can't even straighten his life out for his daughter! What do I do now?




  1. Tell him exactly that! A baby changes everything. Either he will push away or he will embrace everything with open and loving arms. I'm guessing he'll come around because he made an effort to help. Remember he is 15 and makes mistakes. He'll continue too. At least you go a good deal with the lawyer putting it as supervised.

    I hope you are trying to get child support. You might think it is harsh and that you don't want it but you will need it. Even if you save it for her to go to college or buy a car when she learns to drive.

  2. you tell him he can't see his daughter until he shapes up!!  who cares if he's only 15.  he has a baby on the way.  time to grow up!!  

  3. call up your lawyer again

  4. He's 15.  He's not a responsible adult, yet.  He's still got a lot to learn.  He's going to make mistakes.  So are you.  

    Talk to him about it.  Talk to your lawyer.  You've already got supervised visits planned, anyway.  I'm thinking that a judge isn't going to make it any more restrictive, yet, based on this.  

  5. Tell him that if he can straighten out, then he can visit her, otherwise call your lawyer, he can get a court order keeping him away from your baby.  In many states, he would have to sign the birth certificate to retain any rights.  Don't let him.  He would have to get a DNA test to argue with that but if he stays in trouble the lawyer option is the best...

    Hope this helps

  6. How did you manage to finalize a visitation order when you dont have a child yet? Usually paternity has to be established and the child must be born. I am unaware of any judge willing to sign off on legal documents for unborn children much less contracts where both parties are a minor (making any contract they signed void).
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