
What should I eat for breakfast ? ?

by Guest32505  |  earlier

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I want something that gives me energy for the whole day, because usually i feel hungry really quickly ! any ideas? Thanks.




  1. eat healthy cereal or oats

  2. toast

  3. porridge with sliced banana. yum  

  4. Oatmeal will give you the energy that you need for the whole day. You can add sugar to it as well as milk,or fresh fruits to make it taste better.

  5. I think this sums it up nicely:

    Regardless of your activity level, breakfast is an essential part of a healthful lifestyle and is also important for maintaining energy all day long. The motto here is ANYTHING for breakfast is better than NOTHING at all. Think of your body as a car and food as gas. Without gas, your car cannot get from one place to another. The rate at which your body uses calories for energy is known as metabolism. Think of metabolism as the motor of your car. Metabolism is directly related to energy levels, so the higher your metabolism, the more energy you have throughout the day. When you are sleeping, your body naturally decreases its metabolism. When you wake up, there is an increase in metabolism, which peaks by noon. How much energy you have during this time is contingent on how much food calories your body has to use for energy. Breakfast becomes the first stop to the gas station before your road trip. So basically, eating breakfast actually helps maintain high energy levels throughout the day. In fact, the more hearty a breakfast you have, the more your metabolism motor will roar! You do have to stick to some guidelines, of course, to promote optimal energy.


    The best range of calories for breakfast is between 350 - 500. Below 350, your body will not fulfill the requirements for morning energy usage; above 500, your body may store unneeded calories as fat.


    Plan and eat a balanced breakfast meal including complex carbohydrate, protein, fat, and a fruit or vegetable.

    Quantity — Aim for:

    1 - 2 servings of complex carbohydrates

    One serving equals 1 piece of bread, ½ cup of cooked oatmeal, 1 cup of dry cereal, 1 English muffin, ½ bagel, ¼ cup of granola, 1 small muffin.

    1 serving of protein

    1 cup of yogurt, ½ cup of cottage cheese, 1 ounce of cheese, 1 large egg, 2 ounces of smoked salmon, 1 cup of milk or soy milk, 2 tablespoons (T) of peanut butter, or ¼ cup of nuts or seeds

    1 serving of fat

    1 teaspoon (t) of butter, 1 t of oil, 1 T of cream cheese

    Count the fat in your protein serving as the fat in the meal (i.e., 2 - 4 percent fat milk or cottage cheese, 1 ounce of cheese, 2 T of peanut butter, ¼ cup of nuts or seeds, 1 egg.

    In addition, count the fat that comes in a carbohydrate serving (i.e., ¼ cup of granola, 1 small muffin).

    1 serving of a fruit or vegetable

    1 medium piece of fruit, 1 cup of cut fruit, ¼ cup dried fruit, 6 ounces of fruit juice, 1 cup of raw or ½ cup of cooked vegetables, 1 cup of vegetable juice

    Some examples of energizing breakfast meals include:

    2 pieces of toast (2 servings of complex carbohydrate), 2 T of peanut butter (1 serving of protein, 1 serving of fat), and 1 medium banana (1 serving of fruit)

    ½ bagel (1 serving of complex carbohydrate), 1 T of cream cheese (1 serving of fat), 2 ounces of smoked salmon (1 serving of protein), and ½ cup of sliced tomatoes (1 serving of vegetable)

    1 cup of cooked oatmeal (2 servings of complex carbohydrate) made with 1 cup of 2 percent fat milk (1 serving of protein, 1 serving of fat), and ¼ cup of raisins (1 serving of fruit)

    1 small muffin (1 serving of complex carbohydrate, 1 serving of fat), 1 cup of plain low fat yogurt (1 serving of protein), 1 cup of orange juice (1 serving of fruit)

    As you see, there are many delicious ways to get from point A to point B every morning. Imagine your surprise when you see the results with more energy!

  6. oatmeal or whole grain cereal with fruit or yogurt!

  7. Oatmeal


    Eggs and bacon

  8. pudding

  9. cereal and yogurt

    eggs with cheese and toast

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