
What should i do about basketball?

by Guest65263  |  earlier

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im going to the 9th grade i play basketball and im not really good at basketball because i started at 6th grade but my dad says my body makeup is late and that im 1 1/2 years back in body makeup and i dint hit my grow spurt yet should i get held back or work really hard to make 9thgrade team




  1. If you really want to pursue playing basketball then go on. Hardwark and perseverance are the key.

    Improve your body make-up through various exercises and go to the gym to practice your game. Your only going to the 9th grade. It ain't to late to be a good ball player.

  2. Yeah, try out and work hard.

    Rudy Tomjanovich, a good coach and good player, was cut from his high school team as a Sophomore. The JV wouldn't take him. He was only 5'11 or so and was a bad player. Basically, they said he was too small and they had enough kids his size.

    Then Rudy grew to be 6'8 and came back the next year, dominated for two years, and became a good player.

    But Rudy's height isn't what made him a basketball star. His relentless work ethic and desire to get better put him on that team. The height was a bonus.

    Keep working and don't let anyone get you down.

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