
What should i do about this .. !?

by Guest58477  |  earlier

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I've recently just came back from Spain with my friend, i've been going back & fourth to the same place since i was 2. Now im back though, i feel depressed all the time, i want to go over their and live, i hate being back. What is the most appropriate age to go ? I would love to go over and start a business also after a while, so how much money would you save before you go !?

Im so confused about this whole situation.






  1. Where is "here"?  That is a key point.  Where are you from?  Where in Spain?  The thing is, from what I understand, starting a business there is NOT all it's cracked up to be.  The red tape is amazing, taxes are constantly changing, rules are constantly changing, and most people work really hard to make a living.   You REALLY want to do your research on this one, especially if you are not an EU citizen (of course, those rules could all change someday, too), but EU can at least get their work situation set up easily, whereas the rest of us have to figure out visas and such.

    You would have to be at least 18 to move.  

    Granted, Spain is the most beautiful country, and the people and climate are so inviting, but the government is a little less so.

    Make sure you get ALL ducks in a row before making any decisions.

  2. spain is starting to enter a recession,so a business might not be viable,if you've been going there for years,you must have made Friends with the local business owners?i mean your a regular,so ask them

  3. Think long and hard.It's not as easy as the television programmes lead you to believe. Many of the businesses that are featured don't survive. There is a lot of red tape to overcome. Holidays are good but it is a different matter when you have to earn your living in high temperatures and the holiday ends. If you can speak the language you stand a better chance of survival.

  4. To me <3: Have patience, think on it for a long time, but my advice is you should come here.

    To alistar: recession does not mean ruine. Now is a good moment to start a business in Spain as two years ago.

  5. Ask google.

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