
What should i do? drinking?

by  |  earlier

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so my brother used to supply all the beer i wanted but now hes refusing to get me any alcohol. what should i do? i dont look 21 at all and none of my friends are close to 21. ideas?




  1. well, uh, you see, you shouldn't be drinking if your NOT OLD ENOUGH.

  2. Come to germany! You can buy beer at 16.

  3. Here's a thought: wait until you're old enough. I know you don't want to, but there's a reason you're brother stopped buying it for you.

  4. here's an ideeaa,

    dont drink if you're underaage.

  5. just ask a bum at a liquor store to get it for you, they will usually do it for a nominal fee, every body wins!*

    * Answer given for entertainment purposes only. Please obey all laws in your municipality regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

  6. Everything in moderation... but it would help if we actually knew how old you were...people can say oh don't drink until you're legal but we all did it.... just be careful that's all..

    Um, yeah we usually got an older bum at a liquor store to get it and they usually did... pay them some extra cash : ) but again, drink in moderation... as it could become a problem, especially if you have an addictive personality...

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