
What should i do!!!? friend problems..?

by  |  earlier

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i've had this friend for a while and shes really nice and a really good singer and shes like the perfect friend, but every time she comes to my house we end up getting in this super huge fight, but then we make up later on msn or facebook, but whenever i get mad at her i feel really bad and i cant stand it. but a couple weeks ago i got really mad at her and told her all the reasons i don't like her and there where 30!!! i was super mad, but now i feel really bad and i really miss her :(. i realllllllllly think shes going to be famouse one day. and i reallly think shes the nicest, greatest and most amazing person ever. she has these stupid things that she does but i dont care anymore. i reallly miss those things. i really want to be her friend again but she wont talk to me and she deleted me from facebook and msn but i'm really sorry. how do i get her to be my friend again?!???!!




  1. giver her 30+ reasons why you like her haha but seriously if she doesnt except your apology youve done all you can so your just gonna have to move on :/ not what you want to here but true.

  2. For one thing, that was a stupid move on your part.  If you want to be friends again, try making a list of things you do like about her (preferably more than 30).  Also I would apologize as soon as you can.

  3. i think you should do something crazy fo her. NOT TOO CRAZY just crazy enough to say your sorry. or something you've never done before.. or maybe something really sweet. get her a basket and fill it up with tons of candy. or make her some thing like homemade cookies or handmade jewelery.  i hope you'll become friends again. i've lost a friend that was probably the bestest friend i've had

  4. you can still send her messages through facebook even though she's not your facebook friend anymore. My suggestion is to send her an apology e-mail with 30 reasons why you DO like her. If she doesn't respond or doesn't listen, then honeslty you may have just lost a friend. The thing about friends is that true friends are hard to come by, and when you lose them, it's over. Good luck.  

  5. wow.. you should really give her a call.. or go to her home or something and apologize with all your heart.. buy her something she likes if that would help.. Buy her a card and write 30 reasons why you like her as a true friend..

    Hope everything works out right..

    Good Luck =)

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