
What should i name my girl?

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Aaliyah (Ah-lee-yah)




Rocaydes (Rosh-ay-deez)

Ameraie (Amer-Ray)

Shaydayre (Shay-dair)

any more suggestions along the names ive chosen?




  1. I love the name Summer Joy,that's my baby niece's name !

    How about :







  2. Aailyah (:

  3. Aaliyah Destinee - that's a beautiful name. :-)

  4. i like Aaliyah the best - alia or aleah are other ways to spell it.

  5. The only name I like out of those is Ciara. The others sound made up, sorry! And I'm sure nobody will be able to pronounce them...

  6. hmm if it weren't for the pronounciation key in brackets i would not be able to pronounce them. Ciara is the best out of them all, for the rest i would say no. other alternatives are Clara or Cleo or Claire. sorry but the rest look made up.

  7. I vote for Aaliyah or Shaydayre but maybe change the spelling to Shaydaire, its a little less confusing than having 2 y's

  8. 1) Aaliyah

    2) Rocaydes

    3) Shaydayre

    ...scratch the rest. Just my opinion though good luck!

  9. i like Aaliyah but i think it's super common now

    Destyn sounds cut off

    Destynia isn't that great

    Ciara is ok

    Rocaydes you could spell better...Roshadees...but it's a pretty horrid name

    Ameraie...reminds me of the singer Amerie but you could spell it Ameree too

    Saydayre could be spelled better too...Shaydair is probably the best...

    you would probably also like...

    Azizah (Ah-Zee-Zah)

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    Venetia (Ven-ee-shah)

    Khadija (Kah-dee-jah or a softer g sort of french sound)

    Keziah (Key-zee-ah)

    Shaddai (Shah-day)

  10. I like Aaliyah or to spell it diffrently Aliya

    You didn't suggest this name but i love it... Makaydee.

  11. Do you want her to be ghetto?

  12. I love Aaliyah and Destyn's not bad either.

    Rocades sounds exotic, but everyone will think she's from some backwoods carribbean island.

  13. Hi Promise,

    The name Summer is nice and different.

    Kayla is cute.

    Annie is another one.

    Robin you don't hardly hear that name anymore.And the list gos on My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  14. Aaliyah is nice, but Summer is a wonderful name!!~~

  15. Ciara.  

  16. ashley

  17. Ciara or Aaliya

  18. Aaliyah, Ciara or Ameraie :)

    You might also like Delilah and Tahlia??

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