
What should i say to her?

by Guest32227  |  earlier

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I have just successfully traced my half sister who i nor my father have ever met. I have an address and i plan on writing a letter. The only problem is i am stumped as to what i should say? she might not know she has a half brother only a few months younger than her (both 18), she might not care if anyone can draw advice from similar situations i would be very grateful.




  1. Dont you think it would be a bit awkward? I mean you or your father have never met her, what on earth would you talk about? I can understand you wanting to get in touch with her i mean i would love to get in contact with my half sister but we have nothing in common. Maybe ask your father for some advice.

  2. last summer my when my father was very ill his only daughter sought to finally meet him and give her regards. she was scared of meeting my brother and me, as were we of meeting her. my half sister being 10 years older than us came to our house. it was very exciting and went very well. we spend a lot of time together now. she was so excited because growing up in a foster home she never had any real brothers before... its just a certain unspoken bond you have with blood siblings. writing a letter would be a good idea too. just don't push things but seek her acknowledgment of her having a brother

  3. I would first send a DNA test then to prove this is not a joke and comfort her because and tell her you were shocked yourself don't go to brother-ish on her just talk to her like a person.

    Good luck!!!!!

  4. just go to her and say your her half brother after that i dont know

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