
What should i see in paris?

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i'm going there for 4 days, what should i see and what can i buy as gifts?

any special wine to buy as a gift???




  1. Your question is hard to answer because to completely answer it we'd have to write a book.

    Luckily, a lot of people have done exactly that and any one of these guide books is pretty much as good as another.

    I know this sounds silly but being a "good" tourist is hard work and you should spend almost as much time preparing as you do actually being there.

    So get at least one of those books and read it.

    And while you're at it, read some of the books written by people about their experiences in Paris. there are a lot of these type of books too. Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" is a great one but even a funny book like Art Buchwald's "I'll always have Paris" is worth reading.

    Make a list of what you want to see based on your personal interests. There is so much to see in Paris that you will have to make some hard choices about what you can see in such a brief time.

    There's also a lot to Paris that is beyond the tourist sights. Its the ambience and the attitude of Paris which need to be lived and felt.

    You should spend some time just strolling around the city to appreciate its architecture and to get a feel for its medieval layout, the Belle Epoch improvements of Baron Hausman, and the modernizations seen in places like the Les Halles Forum and the new Opera in the Place Bastille.

    You should take a little time to just sit in a cafe in the Latin Quarter or St. Germaine and people watch.

    Enjoy some of the nightlife of Paris. Not the tourist ripoffs like the Moulin Rogue or the Lido but the vast number of fantastic music venues, from the jazz joints to discos.

    Eat! And be a bit courageous. Go to places that don't cater to tourists and don't have English menus. Just point to things on the menu or, better still, walk into a cafe at lunchtime and ask for the daily special which you'll almost always see displayed on a chalk board. don't worry if you don't know what it is! Try it! The worst that will happen is that you'll have a hilarious story to tell about how you got served a calve's head with cream sauce or something else too weird for you to eat.

    Strike up conversations with strangers, be open minded, put your map in your back pocket and just wander around, get lost, experiment, learn, take the time to really look at things. This means you may not see "everything" but what you do see will have some meaning.

  2. clik

  3. Definitely all the most famous places: Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, The Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, just to name a few.

    Also enjoy walking and getting lost... Drinking coffee and people-watching at a cafe... Soak in the French culture!

  4. 1 day should be devoted to the louvre.  also make sure you check out the latin quarter as well as the little boat ride down the seine river (spelling?)


  6. ohh Paris, there are lots of places for you to see and enjoy, but 4 days are not enough though so you have to set priorities, I would say Eiffel Tower and you have to go to the top, Louvre museum or orssay museum no need to do both if you don't have time, justice palace, and the pantheon where there is the tombs of all the great men of France

    as for shopping go to a place called Rue DE Rivioli in chatlet metro station. for gifts buy Eiffel Tower and hand bages written on it Paris they are so elegant.

  7. The Eiffel Tower

  8. The Eiffel tower the Arch de Triumph and the Louvre. Also have lunch at some of the local restaurants; experiance some of the french foods. For to buy some wine would be Chateau Margaux, Pétrus, Romanée Conti these wines are some of the best wines ever. (They taste so good) Warning they may be expensive. Good luck

  9. For the wine just go in any liquor shop, or in any grossery store, you ll find someone here to help you with your choice. I'm french but i don't know anything about wine so usually i just take a bottle with a good price and hope my friends will like it. a good bottle costs around 10 to 20 EUR, but once again i don't know anything about it, so just ask. There is a special store which is called "Nicolas" which only sells wine.

    If you want to buy clothes, wallets or stuf like that just go to the gallery lafayette or Printemps. it's on the Hausseman boulevard.

    You don't have a lot of time to visit so maybe if you want a general look at the city, just try to take a tour bus. You ll see the best known monuments. But the best way to discover paris is to walk.

    i know that a lot of my american friends love to walk in the Marais, it's near the Bastille opera. then you can walk as it has been said before on the Rue de rivolie, you ll cross the city hall, then place du Chatelet and the Centre Pompidou, you will walk near the Louvres and cross the Boulevard de l'opéra. then you ll find the jardin des tuileries on your left and the madeleine and place vendome on your right and you ll finally get to the Place de la Concorde with the Champs Elysée in Front of you.

    You can also walk near the River, it's very nice hoping you ll have a sunny weather.

    hope it helped

  10. take me i have no idea what it is like but want to go

  11. Definately go to the Bagatelle - That's a garden and you can also see the musee Rodin there with many of Rodin's garden sculptures.  It's a gorgeous place to go.

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