
What should i tell them???

by  |  earlier

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ok I'm going into the 8th grade and my parents are already asking me where i want to go to college and i really don't know. i kinda want to go into the military but then i don't know. they kinda want me to go where my brother goes so we can share a house and he is 16 right now. and they keep saying stuff like if we new where yall we going we could go ahead and get stuff started. i mean they say i can go anywhere i just have to get into the school but that wont be really hard cause I'm smart. i take all advance classes what should i do????




  1. really hard to answer this!

  2. tell your parents your not sure what you want to do with your life yet. i'm going in to 8th grade to and i'm not even sure if i'm going to collage yet! we've got your whole lives to figure thing out!! you might go in to the military the go to collage. but i think you should think about that stuff in like 10th or 11th grade!!! mabey even 12th!!!

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