
What should my nephew call me?

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My nephew is starting to actually make sounds like "Ha ha ha" emphasis on the 'h' and he's already said Mama and NO! My name is Rachel. so, what should he call me when he actually starts to speak?

I've already considered RayRay but.. eh.

What are some other names?




  1. You can have your sister/brother use the term you want your nephew to use. Either he will duplicate it or come up with his own version.  

    I have a cousin named Rachel, and we call her "RayRay".  It's cute.  But anything you want your nephew to call you can be taught to him.  I always call my sister and brother "Aunt" or "Uncle" and then their first name when I'm talking to my kids about them or we visit them.  

  2. Auntie Ray

  3. Auntie Rachel or something else if you have a nickname.

    My 2 year old nephew calls me Auntie Caffwin.  :-D  Obviously that's not my name but he does his best.

  4. Aunt Rachel?

  5. aunt ray, rachel, aunite, anunt, idk

  6. auntie rachel, the cute names are not ones we think up the child discovers them, my daughter and younger son calls there brother steven ste ste, they just came up with it on there own, your niece might have trouble saying your name at first thats when it will happen  

  7. Try and start him with auntie - he can abbreviate as he feels necessary.  He might start with something like "anni" until he gets how to make a "t" sound.

  8. why not just aunt ray?

    My name is Ashley, but my nieces and nephews can't make the "sh" sound so it always comes out Aunt Assey... lovely I know.. but I think it's increadibly sweet. Unless you want to be aunt ray forever.. just let him learn aunt rachel on his own time. Trust me It will be precious when he starts to try. It's something you'll remember fondly forever.

  9. AUNTIE?!

  10. Just start with Auntie or Aunt and as his speech progresses add in Ray or Rachel

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