
What should the next move be?

by  |  earlier

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this guy and i started talking a few days ago we talked on the phone thursday night for almost two hours. Yesterday we went to lunch and had a wonderful date. Then when we left i said thanks for lunch and hope you will want to do this again. He said I would love to take you out again, So last night he called me and we talked briefly and he said he would talk to me tomorrow. Today he called and left a voicemail telling me what he was doing for the day his son is moving down to the city and what not so he said he would give me a shout. So i text him this afternoon and he did not reply and did not call tonight either. Is it ok for me to text or call him tomorrow or should i wait for him to call me now? I just dont want to seem desperate? any advice would be appreciated and Is it too forward if i suggest we do something on Monday if he is free?




  1. Keep calling and texting..

  2. Well since you texted him and he did not text back that means somethings wrong maybe. cuz a text always shows up on a phone. i would just text or call one more time and if he doesnt reply then dont do anything else and wait for him to call you or text you. if you call or text anymore times it would seem desperate.

  3. Because you have only known this guy for a few days, I would let him make the next move. Right now your hormones are churning and I'll bet you are thinking of him all the time. Take it a little slower and let things evolve.  

  4. he said he would call you. and you texted him. so don't worry and just let him call you. He's probably just busy. You don't want to seem needy.

  5. I would let him call you first. Don't get too stressed over it, he probably had something important come up.

  6. You say you don't want to sound desperate.  Ok then, forget about him for a few days.

  7. Don't start worrying about him that much. Let him get some time.

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