
What should the title be?

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okay, so the storys about this girl whos mom died and she loses all her friends, but at the same time gains the greatest boyfriend and proves to everybody shes not as different as she thinks




  1. What's the mom's name? because you could call the book:

    Loosing (mom's name).  "Loosing Alice"  for instance.


    "As Luck Would Have IT" since as luck would have it she looses her Hole world but finds a new one.


    "The Same As You"

  2. not sure... well it should have to do with something in the book, for a story that im writing i working between the titles "eve and the snake" and "the assassin's daughter"

    while her name is neither eve nor is she really an assassin's daughter, it has a lot to do with the theme, THINK ABOUT THAT!

  3. Not really sure I understand the premise of your story and without having read it makes it even more difficult to give you a title. What I can do though is give you a suggestion about how to find a title.

    Figure out one the central themes or events of the book and base the title on that.  Just look at the books you see on the shelves for examples but I'll give you a couple to help illustrate my point.

    The Harry Potter series, each of the books' titles have some element that plays an important part in the story as a whole.

    Another would be the book Who's Your Daddy by Lynda Sandoval which is 3 teenage girls who have a hard time finding a date because of who their father is.

  4. Silver Lining

    Lost for a gain

  5. i think the title should be

    Open Doors

    because when the moms dies and she loses all her friends a door opens which helps her proove to herself and to everyone else that she not all th at different.....or because she has opened a new door for her life(a new chapter)

    some other titles could be

    Losing Gains Love

    Chapters of Life

    umm thats all i can think of but i hope it helps (:

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