
What show is this song from?

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There is a song called No Rain by Blind Melon.(you can listen to it on youtube). I know its the theme song from some show and I really can't remember which one. Please help if you can by telling me the name of this show. Thanks!




  1. It is from Without a paddle

  2. It was used in a commercial for Monk and was featured in the opening of an episode of The OC. For more info....

  3. "No Rain" was used near the end of the 1997 Howard Stern movie, Private Parts.

    The song was featured in a 2003 American ad for Pepsi, in which a girl working as a hot dog mascot is ridiculed by passers-by but catches the eye of a boy across the street who is dressed as a Pepsi can.

    The song was also used in a commercial for the television series Monk where the main character, Adrian Monk, dreams about his perfect world, only to have it ruined when he steps in gum.

    It was also a part of the soundtrack for the movie, Without a Paddle.

    Pearl Jam's song, "Bee Girl," is about the young girl from the "No Rain" video.[1]

    The song is prominently featured during the opening of the fourteenth episode of the second season of The O.C. entitled "The Rainy Day Women."

    The song is featured on the theatrical trailer for the 2004 movie, Sideways.

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