
What sign stands for leadership ? ?

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I know there is more to sun sign, and i know its probably bad to stereotype the information but lets hear it for fun not for any evil intentions.. :)

I heard Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius makes the natural born leadership sign.

Anyone out there have seen anyone in your life with great ability to stand out as a leader let us know, who is that and what is their sign ? and why you like them as leaders ?

I think leo is natural with crowds,attraction and managing people.

I think scorpio loves the power and control that leaders have.

I think Aries loves to lead because they want to be no 1 and first in everything.

I think Aquarius love to lead to make others follow their odd but inventive new ideas on people that he leads.

What you guys think ?

and lastly which sign u think secretly u feel can be good leaders but u will die rather then admiting that ?? haha

And for the person who don't believe in astrology please don't bother answering.sorry we will have questions for you skeptics someday till then be patient :)




  1. Aries & Leo are best

  2. its always the affect of Leo on all the different sun signs that make them good leaders. Aries is the warrior, thats why Leo and Aries get on very well and all good warriors eventually become good leaders. if you think about it, Aries is the first fire sign and Leo is the second one, that in a way feels as if Aries grows into Leo. Aquarius probably make good politicians but then again that could be the affect of Leo as its opposite sign. aquarius people are humanitarian who seek to make the world a better place. Scorpio are neither warriors nor commanders, but the affect on Mars on the sign gives them that warrior air around them.  

  3. Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio.

  4. I think Tories

  5. Aries and Libra are the best leaders.....not all libras like to lead as much as aries, but if they are the type that does, then they make good leaders.....usually cardinal signs are ideal for this....leo and aquarius prefer to rule, and sag and gem prefer to follow (but avoid as much work as possible unless it is something they are passionate about)......the water and earth counteraparts like to do the same, but they are much less aggressive about it, and more cautious, shy, reserved, and self-conscious about it.

  6. Fire signs and Scorpio.

    I don't think Air signs will make good leaders.

  7. First of all check the Mars and Pluto signs.If that dictate power then the person would be powerful enough to be a leader irrespective of sun signs.

    Based on sun signs (only)

    SCORPIO is the best Leader

    because Scorpio=Leo + Aries+brains

    Scorpios are highly intelligent with a high degree of courage and confidence.They are truly deep and clear thinkers.Nothing can escape Scorpio's x-ray vision.They have the brains of a Genius and the appearance of a warrior.Scorpios know who they are and will never let compliments deceive them.Leos on the other hand are insecure people who are pretending to be confident.Deep down at heart Leos have serious inferiority complex.They try to hide it with external arrogance.Leos are not even smart.In fact they are far below average in the intelligence ladder.They can be easily deceived by praising them.They overestimate their abilities and underestimate others' abilities which will lead them to an unrepairable downfall.They have the practice of plagiarizing others' ideas and calling it to be their own.But they will say that they are very original.But it won't take long time for their followers to figure out that they are retards pretending to be great people.The day their mask is torn out Leo will be deserted.Nobody will care a $hit about them.Aries are better than Leo but are inconsistent.Scorpios are the ultimate Leaders.

  8. I think best leaders are Virgo's (I'm Virgo sun) intelligence + good organiser

    Scorpio's (my moon) - determination, will power, clever, acute and strong personality

    Aries (my mars)  - action, fighter

    Sagittarius (my asc, saturn and uranus) - enthusiasm

    So I'm the best leader :)) Not really, but i have some good leadership qualities...

  9. Aries.

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