
What simple plays can I run??

by  |  earlier

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Today some family is coming over and the boys are gonna have a football game.. Theres only about 4 players on each team but we are gonna act like its real.. can u give me a couple simple plays.. Here is a copy of my playbook.. but when u tell me plays tell me what each player has to do.. Thanks so much


1. 22 FB Smash

2. Rip 20 Sweep

3. Rip 12 QB sneak

4. Liz 20 option

5. Liz 10 Naked bootleg




  1. wow.... that xela guy don't like you very much huh? lol... Well neither do I so I'll just leave you with this one play...

    snap the ball to the qb (I hope its you) and run HEAD FIRST INTO  A LINEBACKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




    best of luck........................

  2. I guess just score 2 pts.

  3. I don't know

    please answer this question:

    why on earth would you answer a question

    "I don't know, please answer my question?"

    it is spam

    it is immature

    it is pathetic

    I refuse to put any thought into this (because you refuse to put any thought into ANY of your answers), so just run the Statue of Liberty and the Hook & Ladder all day

    have an excellent time

  4. 1. the full back will run the ball probably off the offensive tackle

    2. the running back will run the ball the qb will turn turn around and toss it to the running back  but i dont know what side

    3. the QB will run the ball but will probably fake a throw first

    4. QB will throw the ball but if no one is open he will run with the ball

    5. im not sure

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