
What small pet should I get?

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Chinchilla or hedgehog?

I want one of those. I want a pet not difficult to take care of and that doesn't smell up the whole room. Also one that isn't boring and just runs around on it's wheel all day. Tell me about them please.

Also question about hedgehogs. I know you can't take chinchillas outside cause of heat stroke and possibly getting wet, but can you take hedgehogs out under supervision?

Thanks n.n




  1. I asked myself this same question a few months ago, after having had 3 pet hamsters in the past and wanted to try something new.

    After a lot af research, including hedgehogs and chinchillas, I narrowed it down to either rat or guinea pig.  From what I remember, chinchillas and hedgehogs were alot of work and suseptible to health issues.  Another reason they didnt make the short list is hedgehogs are nocturnal, and hard to find a reputable breeder.  Chinchillas too are nocturnal, dont like to be picked up and do that whole sand bath thing.

    We decided on the guinea pig and adopted a mother/daughter bonded pair from the humane society.  They are more costly and require more time than the hamsters did, but they are more interactive and playful with us.

    Good Luck!

  2. you should get a mouse they are really active mostly at night but they wake up easily and you would have to get 2 because 1 would be very lonely

  3. just get a rat!

  4. A chinchilla is harder to keep, and they are used to exact temperatures, but hedgehogs can be taken out, and brought places.

    An example, a hedgehog was brought to my school.

    They are easier to keep.

    Hope that helps!

  5. ferrets are fun

    but VERY VERY stinky

    i have heard chinchillas are fun but otherwise have no idea

    hamsters are boring and sit on there wheel all night and are nocturnal :(

    rats are the same as hamsters

    i have no idea on any info about hedghogs

    i would suggest either a guinea pig or a chinchilla

  6. Personnely, if this is your first pet I would not recemend you get one of those. I would start of with a hamster or a Guinea pig. They are easier to keep and easier to tame.

  7. Instead of hedgehogs(as my colleage suggest) try a small dog like a terrier or a house cat. Maybe even a hamster or a parrot will be better for your need.

  8. Your best bet would be to research both animals to decide which, if either, is for you:

  9. get a chinchilla or a rat

  10. yes you can take hedgehogs out, but idk how much fun they'd be otherwise. I know chinchillas are furry and fun. I hope you figure it out

  11. If you want to be kind to animals then don't get a chinchilla  because I read that the chinchilla population has dropped dramatically ever since they've been brought into captivity. Also, hedgehogs? Those are like wild animals and they are difficult to take care of.

  12. yes you can take hedgehogs out! i have a hedgehog and a chinchilla. the hedgehog tho is very boring. it doesnt even play with toys, bite wood or anything like that. it barley goes on its wheel. my chinchilla is a really great pet. hes active and plays with his toys all day. they are really cute.

    well the choice is up to you...but i would get the chinchilla.

    good luck :]

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