
What species where before hominids?

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What species where before hominids?




  1. Every life form on earth is related, according to the evolutionists, we all came out of the same soup pot. If that is so, then why have no other animals on the planet evolved. A Fly is still a Fly , A Sparrow is still a Sparrow, a Shark is still a Shark. All since the Cambrian explosion. At that time all known plants and animals mysteriously appeared, without any trace of how they got there, the earlier fossil record tells us nothing, and the fossil record we have built up today tells us no more about evolution than it did then. At least the ancient writings we've uncovered to date are a history of man going back many thousands of years, and very believable it is, There are plenty of Anthropologists who dont follow the orthodox position, but hold to the suppressed facts regarding mans length of time on earth. There is much evidence buried in bank vaults and museum basements to suggest that  "Man" or  Humanity, Has been walking the earth for tens of thousands of years, co-existing with all the other Apes.

  2. Democratinids.

  3. check out the journey of man ,National Geographics

  4. "Lizard to monkey"...a good one but afraid it didn't happen quite that quickly.

    It looks as if a common ancestor to both Hominidae, that's all the Great Apes including humans and Old World monkeys was a really old primate called Aegyptopithecus which lived around 35 to 33 million years ago.

    Anthropologists found remains in present day Egypt, hence the name. This feller was a primate but apparently (it apparently hasn't been submitted formally), he lived before hominids split from Old World monkeys, still a primate but a really early one as relates to us.

    It looks like the oldest modern human is about 4 million years old found in Ethiopia. I guess if you go back about 6 million years we would find the common ancestor to us and Chimps!

    The search goes on.

  5. Proto-Hominids...40-60 million years ago, after the dinosaurs became extinct, and a niche opened up for the development of more advanced mammals...

    Rodents, Lemurs and Monkies are also in our early Family Tree...

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