
What speed should my boat plane?

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I am learning to wakeboard, and I noticed that the boat doesn't plane at the speed I like to ride (I like to keep it around 15 mph right now, but the boat doesn't plane until you get past 20 mph). Is this normal, or do most wakeboarding boats plane sooner? And how can I get it to plane at a lower speed?




  1. If you want the boat to plane at a lower speed, look at getting some trim tabs installed.  They attach to the rear of a ski boat and force the aft of the boat up and out of the water, forcing it to plane out.  This also helps controlling the wake and the list of the boat.

  2. This all depends on size of the boat, the amount of horespower, and the prop pitch.  Every boat planes at different speeds.  15mph is generally a bit slow for planing.  To help yourself out, try to get as much weight towards the front of the boat to plane.

  3. Lots of good answers so might try changing the "tilt" of the engine as well.

  4. Wake boats aren't supposed to plane; isn't that why they carry the water bags in the stern?  To throw up a big wake?

    Most boats that size will require at least 20 mph to get up on plane.  Once there you might be able to back it off and stay there.   My runabout will maintain plane at 18

    Check with a reputable prop shop and they may be able to advise you on a different pitch to get you where you want.  As far as the engine,  different one won't make any diff...

  5. better motor i guess

  6. speed up until the wake defines then back off. even in the same boat you have to play around with boarder weight and balancing boat weight with speed to dial in the right wake.

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