
What spelling should i use?

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i am nameing my son Christopher i want to know what spelling you like best.

i like Cristofer.



be honest




  1. Kristafer is slightly feminine, in my point of view because it contains the name Krista.

    Cristuphur looks like it appears like it's pronounced CrisTOOphur.

    ...consider Kristofer?  

  2. if u want a name to be spelled unique i would pick a different name because christopher would look too weird spelled in another way. i understand what u are saying tho because my mom changed the spelling in my name to be different and i done that with my kids too.. but christopher is a hard one.  

  3. Kristofer

  4. cristofer

  5. Honestly, I like Christopher best.The others look silly. If you're really going for an original take on it, I'd try:





  6. Christopher

  7. Cristofer is cool and unique... also christopher is easy and ppl noe how to spell it but cristofer is cooler haha


  8. I know wat you mean hun lol.. How about Crystopher Sorry if someone else has already sugested this lol i didnt read everyones reply..

    Good luck :-)

  9. use the traditional spelling (christopher)-otherwise, he will spend his life either having his name misspelled, or having to spell it everywhere, all the time-imagine what that would be like. resist the urge to "be different" here-if you must, make his middle name unique.

    p.s. christopher is a nice name.

  10. if you spell it crazy your kid is going to grow up with issues- people will think he cant spell his own name.  and EVERYONE will spell it wrong which will make every day difficult for him.  You have to consider what you're doing for the kid's future.  You can choose an original name instead of a traditional name that is spelled wrong.. plus taking the christ out would be another problem with it for me.

  11. How about Krystofer :)

  12. You can never go wrong with traditional spelling. If you're asking for someone's opinion you should respect it.

    Cristofer would be fine, I suppose. Without a doubt, children will think his parents are crazy.

  13. Well if you want something unconventional use the Scandinavian spelling Kristoffer. It's not traditional, yet is still a legitimate spelling.

  14. My favourite spelling is



  15. I honestly think Christopher is the best way to go...

    K names sounds like a girl,

    the 'Crist" ones remind me of cooking oil..

    and I think spelling names really strangely is kind of ghetto.

    Just my opinion though..

  16. Honestly when I see the name Cristofer I think of a cross between Christ and Lucifer. Strange maybe. All Chris's, and Kris's I have met have been pretty messed up guys.  

  17. dont give your kid a generic name with weird spelling just to be different. it will make his life harder because people today are stupid, they cant spell, or even read, what are they going to say when they see cristuphur on a sheet of paper?

    just give your kid a cool name with normal spelling. or spell christopher like a normal person.

  18. Kristafer is too much like Krista too girlie - I like the old fashioned Christopher but if I had to choose Id go with Cristofer

  19. Whaddaya mean the original way is not usable?!?

    Trust me honey - do yourself and your son a huge favor and stick with the original spelling on such a timeless classic.

    CHRISTOPHER is the way to go on this one, believe me.

    The other spellings you suggested look totally ridiculous and obviously atrociously misspelled!

    Can you imagine spending your whole existence having to constantly and relentlessly correct people?!?

    He's gonna resent you for the rest of his life!

    Come on now...

  20. Cristuphur..


    Good Luck Hun x

  21. anything that he can shorten to Chris or Cris or something like that

  22. Original but if I had to pick different Cristofer

  23. Stick with Christopher. It's the most handsome spelling, and the one that will serve your child best. Because the name is so well known, having a variant spelling will only make it annoying when your son must correct people constantly.

    If you really have to use an alternative spelling of Christopher, use the Scandinavian spelling Kristopher, the Spanish spelling Cristofer or the French spelling Christophe.

    Congratulations on your son and for choosing such a timeless name.  

  24. To tell you the truth, I think you should stick with "Christopher" because otherwise throughout his life his name will constantly be misspelled and he will always have to correct people.

  25. the original, christopher is good

  26. since you don't like the traditional spelling, i would say Cristofer.

  27. Christopher.    

  28. Christopher. Personally I don't understand people's desire to make up weird spellings for traditional names. Your child, your choice, but I think Christopher is best spelled Christopher.

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