
What sport will suit me?

by  |  earlier

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Watching the Olympics had made me realise i really eant to start a sport. Im a 14 year old girl. My dad was a great sportsmen when he was younger, and my mum aint that bad. I dont know what sport would be good for me, and as i am quite old, is it too late to start. I say i have a lot of stamina and i am quite strong. i do kung-fu already but want to do something like swimming or diving or gymnastics?

please help. x




  1. Gymnastics. Then you could add handsprings, and flips to your kung-fu

    technique. That would be cool.

  2. A good sport to do would be Gymnastics. It would help with your Kung-fu and your probably already flexible from doing Kungfu. Your never too old to start a sport. :)


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