
What tests? just wondering.?

by  |  earlier

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i have never been pregnant before, and dont know if i am yet or not but i was just wondering what tests gynocologists usually perform to confirm pregnancy. i have heard a few different stories. i am hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. doctors freak me out so i want to be prepared if i am in fact pregnant.




  1. Both times (difference Dr's too) didn't do any urine or blood test.  They assume that you have taken a test at home and they are very accuate now... the first Dr did an internal exam and could feel that my uterus was enlarged... then did an internal ultrasound and we saw them.  The second time.. again Dr assumes that you took a test at home and does not bother repeating it.. I had an ultra sound done again to confirm that the date I gave matched the age of the baby.  

  2. sometimes urine tests aren't always as accurate as blood tests.If doctors frwak you out and you just want to get a take-at-home test make sure you get 3 of them to make sure you are pregnant.And make sure you get the ClearBlue pregnany tests.Those are always accurate :)

  3. Why don't you take a home pregnancy test first just to be sure?  My doctor never actually did a test to confirm - she just trusted the fact that the 3 HPTs I took were accurate.  Not sure if that's normal or not, but that's what my doc did.  I think most will do a blood test though.

  4. Urine or blood test.  

  5. They will either give you a blood test or urine test. I had a urine test done and it came up positive at 4 weeks 5 days.

  6. If a blood test confirms you are pregnant, your doctor will probably want to do a vaginal ultrasound around 6 or 7 weeks. It's a wand that the doctor will insert into your v****a. It's a little uncomfortable, but not painful. You will see the sac, a little dot (your baby) and possibly a beating heart! Good luck!

  7. They first do a regular urine test, then a pelvic exam (normal pap smear & such), and then they usually do a blood test to measure your hcg (pregnancy hormone) levels.

  8. That really depends on your doctor.  Mine will only accept the results of a blood test, but I've heard a lot of people on here say that their docs used urine.

  9. you will have a urine test and possibly a blood test to confirm your pregnancy.

  10. they will start with a urine test, sometimes do a blood test, and in rare cases they will do an ultrasound to confirm.

  11. urine sample or blood work

  12. exactly, a urine or a blood test, usually blood at the hospital is done, i mean, blood will tell everything about u!

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