
What the h**l was MCcain Thinking?

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Why in the world! would mccain choose A VP that has no experiance way to young and a woman ?

Im sooooooooooo lost !

Im angry, now Im not voting at all.




  1. b/c he's a moron and just wants to be able to play the "oh look i support women too!" card. Vote democrat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm with you.   He just lost the election.  

  3. Palin has more executive experience then Obama.  She is not a Washington insider like Biden.  Her popularity ratings are in the 90's.  She's fantastic!

  4. let's see.  

    she's a maverick politician who likes to do things her own way

    she's not a d.c. insider, and doesn't care to be one

    she exposed corruption in her own party, not playing partisan politics

    she's intelligent

    she's popular

    she's competent

    she creates a multi-gender ticket

    seems like he was thinking pretty clearly.  if obama team tries to play the inexperience card too often, it will rebound back in his face.

  5. Man she is hot. I would love too. ummmmmmphhhh.

    OK yall go ahead and vote Obama. Go ahead. But dont say that a guy named evilwax didnt warn yuns. Yall will see in about 3 years at what evil yall have voted for.

  6. Yep governor of the biggest state in the Union with 80% approval rating vice a senator with an approval rating of 11% a Washington insider forever is earmarks of change.

    A governor who has to lead not just go yea or nay.

    Don't see her short yet or you are going to wonder why your man Obama lost in Nov.  

  7. You seem like so many who do not accept the fact that as a voter you get to express your freedom in america.If you look at the record, my senator has done nothing worthwhile while in office. He votes present instead of taking a stand, and has spent most of his time as a senator trying to take washington by storm.Palin has gotten reforms in the state of alaska that I wish had been done nationwide. Perhaps with her attitude, the nation can be taken out of the hands of a democratic congress and put into a progressive status.Bush had little success because the government does not rest in the hands of one man, it is called checks and balances and the dem's have played a stalling game this last four years to diminish his capacity to lead.If you don't like the major parties, at least vote for an independant.

  8. I think he wants the Hillary voters, and thinks a woman VP would push them over to his side of the fence.

  9. Senator McCain must think(if that is what he does) that everyone has equal intelligence.

  10. vote obama!

  11. Think!  she's very conservative, something McCain isn't.  She's a gun toting, hockey playing woman with five kids, one with downs syndrome, a contestant for Miss Alaska at one time, and has MORE executive experience than McCain, Nobama, or Biden.  There are several other pluses to this woman, but you probably can't see past your bigotry.  Ever hear of Goldie Meir, or Margaret Thatcher.

  12. Yes, stay at home.

    Stay at home.

  13. Myself, I'm reading her accomplishments and thinking she's a good pick.  Experience? she's younger than BO, but has been in politics longer.  Here, read CNN's site.  

  14. Fatboy, she has everything going for her.  Read up on her before coming to such a conclusion.  Obama is toast.  I was hoping for Romney, but I am overjoyed that it is Palin!

  15. He doesn't think.

  16. Hahahahahahah.

    Exactly what we've been saying about Obama for the past year. You suddenly get it.

    The Dems have their inexperience as President. Dems as VP.  If something happened to McCain they would appoint a VP with the deepest foreign polocy experience you can get.

    How about Palin/Rice in 2012.

  17. McCain thinks ?  Are you out of your mind ? When did he ever could think ?

  18. In short, he is pandering to Hillary suporters. This likely signals his attempt to court the center which will likely leave hard-core conservatives (and neo-cons, particularly) out in the cold.


  19. He doesn't think. He just wants a VP he can refer to as "toots"

  20. you dont know what your talking about

    She has more executive experience then obama

    wake up

    glow in the dark obama has no discernible legislative


    Tickle me obama       has been a college Professor    lol


    oh   and hes written 2 biorgraphies    lol

    he is all marketing and fake

    Sarah Palin has Real Experience    and is a Woman  

    you guys just dont get it    

  21. I have no idea.His VP choice is so far beyond the standard of stupidity  that it may as well be in another galaxy

    She's inexperienced

    She's pro-life

    She-hates  g**s

    She comes from a meaningless state with a whopping 3 electoral votes >FL has 27 EV's<

    and simply because she's female McCain thinks that the Hillary people are going to ignore all of her huge negatives and vote for her.


  22. sweetie, not voting at all gives you no right to complain.

    Palin was a great choice, she is pro-life, believes marriage should only be between a man and a woman, is for capital punishment, and supports the right to bear arms. And her strong stance on family values and her own family will sway conservative voters that are still uneasy about McCain.

  23. Look on TV!  This woman is STUNNING! Men are going to vote for her and if they're sexist too bad. I'm a Democrat but now am leaning toward McCain. I voted for Hillary as she was more centrist than Obama who was too far to the left and I think will put extremely liberal judges on the bench, and I consider myself a conservative Democrat. I know many Democrats who are not voting for Obama because he's black - I think they'll far outnumber the sexist Republican men who are wealthy and want to keep their tax cuts - by the way I'm very low income. My vote is up for grabs but it's good to see McCain going after the Hillary voters - he might win the election with some of them.

  24. McCain is a moron and a buffoon, just like Bush.

  25. It is a terrible pick.  The number one priority in picking a VP is whether that person can take over as President if needed.  Ummmm..... I don't think she passes that test!!

  26. She is the only one with executive experience. That sounds good to me.  


  28. That he'd get womens' votes.  More than just a touch patronising methinks.  But hey, she was a former beauty pageant queen!

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