
What the Planned Parenthood employeees like?

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Are they liberal people or do they secretly judge the people that come in there?

How can they perform abortions and still live with themselves?




  1. I kind of understand how you feel. But then again I would hate to have a child that I didn't plan on having. But that doesn't mean I would abort him or her. I think that planned parenthood works out best for the mother, father, and child.

  2. I guess it's the feeling of helping the person in need rather than thinking about what they're doing.  The debate on abortion I think will go on forever, it's not something that everyone will agree on, ever.  Whether they judge you or not is up to them, just as it's up to you whether you want to judge the people you pass on the street.  I don't think it much matters what they think, as long as they're doing the job they're assigned to do.

  3. What about the so-called "prolife" terrorists who bomb clinics, set them ablaze and murder the staff?

    Abortion is a legal medical procedure, get over it.

  4. I've worked there as an RN.  The docs there especially are the sweetest human beings on this planet, especially the one's the conservative freaks don't kill with bombs and such.  There's a refreshing atmosphere from the moment you walk in of pure friendliness and lucid common sense.  I never saw women treated throughout their pregnancies with as much thorough good care as in their prenatal care clinics, where I worked, at least before the conservative freaks fought so hard to slash funding for free prenatal care which reduces miscarriage (SPONTANEOUS abortion) by 50%.  

    Oh, but I forgot.  With the "pure" and holy, it's perfectly ok for a woman's BODY to decide if conditions are not right for her to continue her pregnancy and we shouldn't try to help them save THOSE babies.  No, the freaks just turn into vicious savages and throw blood on girls coming out of clinics when women use their MINDS to decide if conditions are not right for her to continue her pregnancy. How "Christian" of them.

    I cannot for the life of me imagine how those freaks can sleep at night knowing that by slashing those funds they are responsible for tens of thousands of spontaneous abortions every year that proper prenatal care could prevent.  But, wait,  I remember why they slashed those funds.  It was back when the conservative Christians wanted to sterilize all Black women who were on welfare and in mental hospitals and they associated free prenatal care clinics with free care for Black women and they most certainly didn't want to help save those womens' babies because, well, they were poor and Black . . .and they SURE didn't want this fine and holy nation getting too crowded with more Black people, that's for sure.

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