
What the h**l do i do!?

by  |  earlier

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this is long. But i really need advice. im not saying names because im paranoid lol, so im using letters lol

so i talked to this guy X for a long time. when he was single, and when he had a girlfriend, i would be there for him 24/7 nomatter what, and we kept in contact for a long *** time. and he meant like, a lot to me. nobody really knew we talked all the time. and like one day I told this stupid ***** Z about it, because i didn't know what to do, because I felt like it was this big secret and i wasn't comfortable with it at the time. and She runs her mouth to X's girlfriend, and he totally hates me from then on :/ The things Z told X's girlfriend were like not true. and Z has been getting me into so much bs with people, drama and shes like making me loose friends and she's ******* so much up for me.

X meant a lot to me. like alot. he's suchhh an amazing person. But stupid ***** Z ****** my **** up so bad, X and his girlfriend seriously like hate me. and i dont know what to do anymore. I go to school with them. and Z gives me rides everymorning, im practically using her. I hate her guts, and i talk bad about her to everyone because i want her to hear how much i hate her. It really hurts me that in school, me and X just walk past eachother like we don't know eachother. it hurts so bad.

And as bad as it gets, there's no way of contacting him. like he never goes on myspace. I don't have a phone, and school is just like impossible. I hate the situation im in. and i cant seem to get out ;/ it's seriously killing me.




  1. First off, calm down. Good. Now, about this Z person...stop talking behind her back and using her to get a ride to school, because it's only make things worse, also ignore what she says about you. Cut all contact from Z. Try to find another means of transportation to get to school. Z is not your friend. Don't turn this into some "Mean Girls" fiasco.

    About X, talk to the guidance counselor about this situation, because if this gets worse than their is no telling what could happen. Don't go talk to X and X's girlfriend first, go straight to an authority figure and sort this out.

    Good Luck,


  2. 1. you say like way too much :-) lol.

    2. that is a really bad situation.

    3. i'm going to help you.

    4. read on.

    5. here i go.

    6. continue to 7.

    7. alright here i go;;

    call him from your house phone. i bet you have one of those.

    or why dont you talk to Z and then talk to X.

    or why dont you talk to Z and get Z to talk to X.

    8. why did you tell Z in the first place?

    9. numbers are fun and i dont think im being helpful.

    10. why does x's girlfriend hate you? because z is a ***** and screwed up your relationship with x.

    does z hate you too?

    jeez. this is hard

  3. Write him a letter, there's still that old fashion way.

  4. theres a several things u can do

    1- get new frens & show up wid more confidence

    2-tell ur ex frens tha story and how deep u liked himm

    3- get over it move on blah

    but honestly .. he had a gf .. and u still hunng on . dont u think thas kinda odd because its almost like u`d be his rebound girl

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