
What the mean of multiple?

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What the mean of multiple?




  1. More than one. In math, a number that a specified other number goes into, i.e., can be multiplied by another number to create the multiple.

  2. Many?

  3. adj.

    Having, relating to, or consisting of more than one individual, element, part, or other component; manifold.


    A number that may be divided by another number with no remainder: 4, 6, and 12 are multiples of 2.

    [French, from Old French, from Late Latin multiplum, a multiple : Latin multi-, multi- + Latin -plus, -fold.]

    Investment Dictionary: Multiple

    A term that measures some aspect of a company's financial well-being, determined by dividing one metric by another metric. The metric in the numerator is typically larger than the one in the denominator, because the top metric is usually supposed to be many times larger than the bottom metric.

    Manifold; occurring in various parts of the body at once.

    m. alleles — see allele.

    m. birth — more than one offspring in a gestation and parturition.

    m. causation — a disease in which a combination, or alternative combinations, of causes, are required to produce it. Called also multifactorial etiology.

    m.-crush — surgical instruments, e.g. heavy duty emasculators, ecraseurs in which each jaw has more than one crushing surface, mounted one behind the other, each successive surface coming into contact with its counterpart as increasing pressure is applied to the handles of the instrument.

    m. endochondromas — see endochromatosis.

    m. fission — a method of reproduction in protozoa. See schizogony.

    m. infection — simultaneous infection with more than one virus or a combination of virus and bacteria may be caused by one agent lowering resistance to the other. There may be synergism between the agents.

    m. least squares regression — the major method of analysis used to sort through a large number of potential risk factors permitting the examination of one factor while the other factors in the regression equation are held mathematically constant.

    m. limb defects — patients with more than one congenital limb defect.

    m. myeloma — see multiple myeloma.

    m. organ dysfunction syndrome — in critical care medicine, a state in which intervention is required to maintain homeostasis. Called also MODS.

    m. ovulation — an important feature in the technique of embryo transfer. See superovulation.

    m. pregnancies — twins, triplets and more in usually uniparous species.

    m. regression — an analytical method which determines the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

    m. risk — situations in which more than one risk factor for a disease is present and their combined presence contributes to an increased risk.

    m. suckling — when a cow accepts more calves to suckle than her own; a system for foster-rearing of orphan or purchased calves.

  4. Mutiple means  having  or consisting of more than one individual, element or part.

    In Mathematics  it  refers to a Number into which another number may be divided with no remainder.

  5. multiple means many, couple, or just more than one.

    Example: There are multiple students who have enrolled in the new elementary school.

  6. It means "many","more than one", "plural".

  7. 1...You use multiple to describe things that consists of many parts involve many people or have many uses.

    2...If one number is a multiple of a smaller number it can be exactly divided by that smaller number.

    3...In British English, a multiple or a multiple store is a shop with a lot of branches in different towns. It is a technical term in business.


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