
What threatens Global Warming deniers?

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If someone believes in something, it does not bother me unless the belief threatens me or violates my interest. Then I have to think what the real issue that threatens Global Warming deniers is.Why is Global warming so politically charged? Cleaning the Earth is not just a Democrat issue. It is a Republican issue also for we are living in the same planet. I don't understand why trying to find better solutions to the current energy crisis is bad thing? Purely from environmental perspective, it is better to have cleaner air and clearner water, isn't it? What is the real reason that devides us on this issue?




  1. Lifestyle

  2. What is the reason that divides us?  Evidence.  The claim is that carbon causes global warming.  There are three positions you can take.  I believe this is true.  I believe this isn't true.  The third position would be neutrality.  When it comes to important decisions, you should never think with your emotions and this is what is happening with most people.  What I am saying is that you shouldn't instantly deny the claim because you think that it is nothing more than a political scandal, but at the same time you shouldn't instantly accept the claim because you care about the environment.  Global Warming has yet to be proved true beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Our scientific knowledge, when it comes to global warming, is still in it infancy.  Scientist have trouble predicting the climate from year to year, let alone for the next one hundred years.  Thinking with your heart, either for or against, will always lead to rash decisions.

  3. At least you admit you don't understand.

    Here it is in a nutshell:

    No one denies global warming exists.  Just like any other climate changes, we've learned to adapt and live with them like all animals and plants on this planet.

    Most of us do not believe we cause climate change, so we object to having to pay extra taxes on energy to combat something we do not believe we are responsible for.  Taxes are too high as it is and the costs of everything are going up because of this "belief" you talk about.

    If my beliefs make you have to pay more for all products you buy and you don't believe the same as I do, do you think it's fair that I force you to pay extra for my beliefs?

    Lastly, pollution levels have been dropping here in the US for the last 30 years.  So everyone is for a clean environment and we've achieved that.  We just don't like being punished for doing the right thing.

    Finding new alternatives to oil is fine, but until then we need to use what we have.  We have hundreds of billions of barrels available domestically, so why not use it while we have it? Democrats won't let us drill at home.  They let the Chinese drill here, but we can't.  Now do you know why most people just don't like the Democrats anymore?  

    Anyway, in the meantime it's fine to look for alternatives to oil, but we need good alternatives, unlike this ethanol garbage that's more polluting and less efficient and causes the cost of food to skyrocket.

    Sorry, I guess that's a little bigger than a nutshell, but it's difficult to explain to people who just don't understand the issues.   I hope I helped you understand it better.

  4. I'm all for taking care of the planet, I'm all for saving animals and picking up litter, clean and drinkable water and clean air.  These are important.  But frankly we've been bellyaching about this stuff for the last half-century and nothing has been done about it.

    We need oil now!  30 years ago, again, we farted around with alternative energy sources but let regulations and emotionalism get in the way.  History repeats itself so here we are again.  Hah!  We though dollar a gallon gas was ridiculously expensive.  

    The problem is, someone found a way to divert our attention away from the important stuff and decided to tell everyone that WE, the human race, are causing irreparable damage to the weather.   Not only is this completely false, but it takes away efforts to actually clean up the environment.  

    With litter and pollution, you clean it all up and everything is fine.  But with AGW, you either conduct your affairs so as not to allegedly affect the weather, or simply pay a tax and everything is okay.  That part makes no sense to me.

    Edit:  A triple thumbs up for The Illusionist.

  5. Cleaner air-- cleaner water-- is a pollution issue. CO2 is not a pollutant.

  6. If Al Gore is so concerned about Global Warming then why does he fly around in a private Lear jet?

    Why doesn't he downsize his home , after all it's just the two of them?  His residence is over 10,000 sq ft and his electricity bill every month is more than an average household uses for an entire year.

    Global Warming

    How can you explain what is happening to Mars? The planet is going through a warming cycle like earth.  Solar flares generate storms of solar-magnetic flux that partially shield the Earth from cosmic radiation. Evidence suggests that this cosmic radiation promotes cloud formation, either by ionizing the atmosphere, or by affecting the atmosphere’s electrical circuit. Thus high levels of solar wind have the effect of blowing away the cloud cover, giving the Earth a sunburn. Add that solar activity has been very high since the 1940's, and the slight global warming observed since the mid 70's could easily be due to this effect. Also another reason for the disappearence of glaciers is the increase of underwater volcanic activity.

    Earth goes through cycles due to the  variations in the tilt of the Earth's axis.   Changes in Earth's tilt, which determines climate belts around the planet and the seasons of the year.  

    I digressed...... many people who believe in Global Warming just took it at face value, they let others tell them what to believe, instead of researching it online themselves then form an opinion.

  7. PEOPLE DONT WANT CHANGE, simply put.

    some people refuse to see the OBVIOUS truth, only because they are scared of what this might mean for them in the future.

    all they want to do is continue to excessively use energy and gas.

  8. Interests: economical interests, financial interests, power interests.

    Some people think that exploiting new and cleaner sources of energy will cost too much to the country and to its economy.

    As example, just  think all the economical issues of an industry that moves billons of dollars, and millons of people sources of income. Cars.

    Electrical  cars would eventually be simplest, less parts to change every month, no carburator, no oil changes, no gaskets, no sparks plugs, etc. That means a lot of skilled people and all-size-companies out of business. That is a huge lost for the country, but at some time new businesses and skilled positions will rise in the industry of solar energy, wind energy, etc, to replace the "old" industry, but there is an understandable fear to change... and some transform interests and fear into a political position against change.

    Try to imagine all resources that oil companies are using against "change". Business is business and $130 per barrel of crude oil is a good profit for corporations and countries all over the planet, so there are a lot of interest in the playfield.

  9. simple, it's called MONEY and who's getting it. Been that way since the begging of time. Pay attention and you'll see. Dems/or repubs, it's all about linning thier pockets with your paycheck. sorry.

  10. It's the global warming alarmists. All the "the world is coming to an end and it's because you're breathing" really ride up the right wingers the wrong way. Yes, we need to clean up the earth, but the global wamring is not our fault. Greenland used to be a major agricultural hub and now its a sheet of ice...perhaps it was warmer way back when? It's not global warming, its called WEATHER

  11. buying carbon credit and more made up stupid laws

  12. Democrats/liberals want to force us, through extra taxes, excessive legislation and guilt, to fix a problem that may or may not even exist, much less be repairable by throwing money at it. Their real goal is to make it seem they are doing something useful, when in reality they are only preserving their jobs and the status quo. Conservatives (not necessarily Republicans) see that government is rarely the cure to a problem.

  13. Evidence.

  14. Al Gore inventing the internet.

  15. the problem isnt whether global warming is real or not, the problem is the perceived solution. environmentalists want alternative forms of energy, which is good, but they want to prevent the energy companies from supplying the energy needed to run this country. for example, we cant drill for oil in this country because the environmentalists and congress wont allow drilling for oil in the US based on so called environmental reasons. we cant liquefy coal to make fuel, we cant build new refineries to increase the amount of gasoline that is available, we cant build nuclear power plants ot provide electricity, we cant even build geo thermal power plants to provide the energy we need. while there are alternatives out there, and we are constantly developing those alternatives, we need time to build the infrastructure to support those alternative forms of energy. remember that it took over 100 years to get to the point we are with regard to selling gasoline, and we cant just set up a new infrastructure over night. we need the cars, the people to buy the cars, and the infrastructure to fuel those cars.

  16. We have a lot to lose: our freedom travel where we want, to live where we want, to not have the UN ration our food and water, to not be unfairly taxed and the money going to bogus corporate green schemes, to not have the prices of electricity rise because of carbon trading (like is already happening in the UK, and many other thinks that we don't get to vote on).  Many of these schemes attacks the middle class and everyone relying on fuel and food and actually make the environment worse in many ways!  This is wrong and we should strongly oppose this!

  17. There's a difference between the reasons you mentioned above, and the consequences of believing in and thereby acting on global warming.  

    Global warming is politically charged because it is pure politics.  Politics disguised as an environmental issue.  Not only is it pure politics, but it lacks any credibility or believabilty in the true scientific community.  It is based on what's called 'junk science', or bad science.  It's a theory that lacks substance and evidence to such a large degree that it can't be accepted.  Those who promote it have no more interest in science or the environment than any other scammers.  

    That said, everyone wants a clean environment...air, water etc.   But the cult behind the 'global warming' craze clearly have other unrelated motives.

  18. What terrifies me most is anyone in a position of power willing to tax citizens, deceive entire countries and actually degrade capitalism/democracy with an obvious hoax all for the sake of making money and molding certain policies in countries that they don't like into ones that they do.  Unfortunately my worst fears have been becoming more and more true over the last few years.

    Two decades of constantly pounding the idea of "We're all going to die unless you start paying more for a worse way to live" has managed to scare people into believing that we really are going to die unless all these new taxes and laws pass.

    And before these two decades of AGW and acid rain was a few decades of global cooling and a new ice age....It never ends.

  19. What threatens global warming alarmists?  Besides the fact that more and more evidence is coming out that this whole issue is an agenda.

    i have no problem with cleaning the environment or the development of alternative fuels.  I do have a problem with the government taxing us because of it.  It should be up to the producers of these fuels to make the investment into the R&D of alternative fuels, not the tax payers.

    This is the main problem, the environmentalists are pushing this agenda so hard that the big oil companies have done little to keep oil prices down because they know that with the economy in a recession there will be no more taxes added to the tax payer and the new companies who will use their government grants to move quickly through their R&D will not enter into the competition.  Therefore, they can continue to make huge profits and keep the process of their own R&D moving at a gradual pace (which is more cost-effective).

    The environmtenalists should have moved slower with this agenda, they would have gotten better results.  It is a matter of time before we would have gradually switched to alternative fuels anyway.  The only thing they have done is slow down their own agenda.  That's how brilliant they are.  They thought with emotion, not logic.

  20. The taxes and restrictions for which the theory of man-made global warming is the pretext.

    As Richard says "lifestyle" - - which would be the same answer to the question "what is it about sodomy laws that threatens g**s?"

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