
What time for wake up?

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My twins are almost 15 months old and they sleep from around 7:30 PM until sometimes 9:30 AM and take 1 nap per day most of the time.

Is that normal?

I'm in heaven here. :-D




  1. Tell your hubby to let them be. It is totally normal. You are such a lucky lucky girl.

  2. If you get them up and they are grumpy they are obviously not getting enough sleep.  Some kids sleep more and some sleep less.  I think you are very lucky and consider it completely normal - there are, as I have found out, many shades of normal.  Just enjoy it while it continues!  

    PS They are 15 months old, why should they have to get up at 8am!! Its not like they are in the Army or have to go to work!  When they are sleeping they are growing!

  3. When your husband gives up work to look after them , then he can get them up what time he wants to. In the mean time, you've got a good thing going there. Take advantage of it before your new addition arrives.  

  4. sounds great to me. enjoy it.  

  5. Yeah, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, that could change next month. I wouldn't try to make it change. Little ones do need lots of sleep, so that 12 - 14 hour stretch is what they need.  

  6. Why question it??... Be happy.  Your a very lucky person to have that.  My son was never that good a sleeper.  

  7. Your husband is absolutely crazy!! Never wake a sleeping baby!

  8. Get them up at 8?? Is he nuts?? The longer they sleep in the better I say. My son goes to bed anywhere from 9-11pm and then wakes up around 6:30 am. I'd LOVE to be able to sleep in until 9:30. Unless there is a reason to wake them up that early, let them sleep!! Lol

  9. If your twins do that you are so lucky. But I think it normal. My twins nevere did that

  10. that is very normal some days my kids sleep until noon after going to bed at 8pm but sometimes they have me up at 6 am so just be lucky if you are awake and bored just clean up before they get up take advantage of it because when they start getting up earlier good luck on trying to keep you home clean

  11. I would LOVE that!!

    My daughter is almost 19 months, she goes down between 8:00 - 8:30 and she gets up around 7:30.  She will sometimes wake a bit earlier, and I can hold her off by giving her a cup of milk and she will sleep until 8:30ish.

    She takes 1 nap for 1.5-3.5 hours.

  12. You're just boasting, aren't you? ;) I'd be the
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