
What time is "teatime?"?

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Ok this is gonna sound really stupid to u guys, but i'm writing a story and i need to know what the typical time for "tea" is. I'm from the U.S. cut me some slack k? thx alot!




  1. I call Lunch either lunch or dinner, I usually have that around 12 noon. Tea would be my main meal, which I tend to have about 4.30 -5pm. That was how I was brought up, anyway.

  2. In the North of England ...among the working class it is the main evening some people however it is a light meal at around 4.00....sandwiches, cake etc....and of course tea.

  3. 5 oclock in uk, unless you go back in time when the Raj had high tea lol...

  4. Dinner. Usually around 6:00 pm

    Depends on the household, though.

    But in general 6- 7 pm

  5. If you mean the traditional afternoon tea time, that can be between 3.30 - 4.00 pm. What a lot of people are referring to above is the practise of calling dinner....tea. good luck

  6. depends its different for some people normally around 4:00

  7. Well, i was brought up calling lunch dinner, and dinner tea.  

    So tea time is when you would have your dinner, but its typically a bit earlier - like maybe 5 or 6pm.

    If however you mean what time do people drink tea...perhaps about 10am would be a morning tea break aka 'teatime'.

  8. I like to take Tea between 3 & 4 O'Clock

    And please do not apologise on my account! I know little of USA customs so we are both in the same boat!

  9. Difficult to answer!

    I live in Scotland and tea time, where I live is from 5 - 6pm. May also be called "High Tea or Supper Time" Usually a main meal, followed by a cup of tea

    Tea time is also "Afternoon Tea" is normally about 3pm and consists of tea, sandwiches, scones and cakes.

  10. There is no set time, I will usually just eat small things throughout the night, if the whole family have chips from the chip shop, I will eat the second they arrive.

    Infact, I am just about to have a strawberry trifle now (or 3)


  11. its at 4:00 in the evening

  12. half 5 -6.. i dont eat after 6 oclock

  13. A drink of tea at 10am , 4pm,  or a light evening meal served at 5 to 6:30pm

  14. In the U.K. "teatime" was originally the time when everybody sat down to their early (and usually ONLY!) evening meal, but it later became 'gentrified' and meant "tea and cakes" served at about 4pm. Post WW1, afternoon "Tea Dances" became popular whereby 'couples' could go to a dance hall and dance the afternoon away, with breaks for cups of tea and biscuits.

  15. It is basicallylike an afternoon snack. They have tea, of course and usually a very light meal or sandwhiches. Many folks have it around 4:00 but some will have it a little earlier or later.

  16. In England my mother called dinner "tea time" around 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., most Engish people do.  High tea is usually served at around 3:00 p.m. with a pot of tea, scones, butter, jam, maybe little savory sandwiches, etc.

  17. We don't really have a tea time - haven't since the 40s!

    Here in the south we have dinner between 7 and 8, and a cup of tea when we get home from work at about half 5.

  18. My friends teatime is around 5 and i always think thats really starnge and super early and i laugh at him about it :)

    my teatime is about 7

  19. Tea time is four o'clock. Time for mummy and nanny to fed and get the children ready for bed before daddy come in from work.  This enables him to spend a short time with them before they go to bed and he can have peaceful evening.

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