
What to Do About Sore Muscles?

by  |  earlier

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I played volleyball non stop yesterday for 6 hourse and my butt and thighs are sore from being in basic volleyball position (squatting for those of you who don't play ). I have to play for another 6 hourse today , tomorrow, and the day after that. Any tips for curing sore muscles?




  1. First, stretch a lot every day, not just before the game. I can't overemphasize its importance. Stretch your back, hamstring, calf, arm, etc. Yoga does help a lot. One of my fellow players is into yoga (he is 50 and is more than 10 years older than most of us on the team) and he is never sore. He stretches on the floor in between the matches while we are more sore the next day than he is. Also, post-match, apply ice packs, heat, etc. to relieve the soreness.

    Good luck!

  2. these next 2 weeks i will be participating in the 2007 global challenge

    i played club for 5 years

    i am in 9th grade and on a varsity high school team

    when i get sore i do not stretch but thats just me

    i heat up a bean bag (rice ice pack thing) and put that were ever i am sore

    then i fill the bathtub up with ice and as cold as my tub can get water and well i just sit in it

    it really sounds crazy but i tell you it really does work i swear of this

    i hope everything works out for you

    and you will have the time of your life

  3. Definitely stretch, and I hate to say it, but running makes you not sore anymore. You don't have to run fast, but doing about 20-30 minutes going slow will make you not sore anymore. Just make sure to stretch before and after. Also, soreness is caused by lactic acid buildup. Pushing from your hip down, kind of hard, helps move that lactic acid away.

  4. stretching and relaxing is what would help best.don't keep your muscles too tense after you play a game.i mean you could take medicene like pain reliever,but i don't think that would help you very much though.anyways,i hope those help and good luck =]

  5. stretch before and after each game the more you do it the less its going to hurt


    and if its really painfulll you can ice it.... and.. take a pain reliever like advil.

    but i advise to just playy without doing anyof that!

    good luck and have fun!

    best of luck. my wishes to ya!

  6. stretch....sleep...motrin/advil...haha

  7. Soak your sore muscles in ice for a few hours or so, just to keep the swelling down.

  8. Personally: ( i have played for four years)

    I know you're going to not want to move.

    bad choice.

    You need to take an anti-inflammatory pill (tylenol works best)

    You need to walk around and get the lactic acid moving. Stretch a lot.


    1. lay on your back with knees up.

    2. lift your butt and thighs off the ground.

    try this.  i hope i helped.

    Ohh. and if you're really desperate. take a bath with sea salts in it.

    ^^ also really relaxing.

    (If you have an off season, do some intense training: wall sits, extended squats, running, lunges that way when you start up volleyball again, none of the basic stuff will hurt.

  9. I get sore muscles all the time during major volleyball tournaments. A lot of the time you just have to play through it but you could try using Bengay (it smells badly, but it works really well), stretching, and taking a bath. Honestly, there's not much you can do becuase when you get sore muscles its your body's way of telling you that it has had too much, so it doesn't want the message to be ignored. Therefore, your muscles will keep hurting.

  10. Stretching, heat packs and rest. If you're still playing do some warm -up exercises before you start.

  11. YOGA YOGA YOGA! it helps me sooooooooooooo much! but in the long run if you do 20 frog hops every night your thighs wont be as sore. and if your arm is sore from serving dont be afraid to ice it.

  12. i think stretch them it definetly helps. light stretches try lieing down on the floor with your legs wide open and try and reach the foot and pull it. hold this for abut 30secs do not over stretch

  13. Whenever I feel sore I always run a hot bath and pour some epsom salt into it...&& i just soak in the tub for about 30 really works... :)

  14. Ive had sore muscles recently myself.what i find very good is soaking in a bath with some muscle soak in it

  15. THE BIGGEST SECRET IS RUB A535. I absolutely swear it will make muscle pain go away instantly.

  16. definatly strech them out really good. adn keep working them . but also if you wanted like a medicine theres  some stuff out there called tiger balm adn its for sore muscles its kind of like icey hot but a lot more effective. =]

  17. Once you get warmed up again it won't hurt as bad.  Strech before and after.  Take a bath with epsom salt and buy yourself some icyhot and put it everywhere it hurts.  Also making groaning noises whenever you move helps... :)

  18. ha i just asked the same exact question about trying to decide what to do about soreness too.

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