
What to breed next? (Tropical fish)

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I am currently breeding Zebra Plecos and Siamese Fighters, i still have another tank that is empty.... any ideas what would be a good fish to breed in there?




  1. How large is this tank?

    Assuming its reasonable around 30 gallons or so you could consider more unusual livebearers like endlers or limias, or maybe cichlids like apistogrammas or kribs, or how about some killifish, there are dozens upon dozens of species of killifish and many are very colourful.

  2. Google images for Ram/Dwarf/Butterfly Cichlid (they go by different names) I was introduced to them about 1 year ago and have never looked back.

    They are vibrant yellow, with a black mohican, red eyes and a black stripe that goes through the eye. They look like little punk rockers :-) They are excellent to watch as always jetting around the tank being nosey and always coming up to the glass to see you. Very sociable and do not bully. Also quick enough to escape being another fish's dinner.

    Excellent breeding. I would recommend you get a pair as amazing to watch and the colour really comes out. Check them out on You Tube.

    Hope this helps :-)

  3. okay, you want to breed something?????

    Try neon tetra (paracheirodon innesi)... hehehe. quite challenging to get a good yield.

    they are small, and they don't need any big tank.

    best of luck!!!!

    contact me personally for some help

  4. There are a lot of interesting fish that you can try to breed, personally i find breeding Discus both challengin and interesting. But before you jump into breeding other fish, plan ahead on how you are going to use your tanks, and take into consideration that in a few weeks time they fry you have now would have double, if not triple in size and would need larger tank.

  5. piranha

  6. how big is the tank and try goldfish

  7. Why not take inspiration from finding nemo and try clown fish or john dory?

    I hear they have good temperaments :)

  8. You could try zebra danios, or if the tank is big enough, try convict cichlids.  Both are considered "easy" to breed and suited for the beginner.

  9. Great White Shark

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