
What to do about my bf??help!?

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what to do about my bf?? we just recently starting going out and he hasnt called be in over a week! idk what to do. he works nights but he always has time to call be if its even in the mornings. i called him three days in a row he didnt answer. i sent him a text saying i was mad at him and he didnt respond. i thought that maybe he lost his phone or something but he would have called me on his house phone atleast. and i saw him on facebook a couple of days ago. so he has time for facebook but doesnt have time to call me??? what is going on idk what to do help!! last time we were together we had a good time laughing and everything. i know he's not in trouble or anything like that. i dont understand and i dont wanna believe he's a bad guy because he's really not. wtf is going on what should i do??




  1. maybe he found another girl? who he THINKS is better. but she mite not be. hes probably avoiding confrontation about something. who knows?

  2. Give him his space and don't text him. if he still ignores you........move on.

  3. not trying be mean but i say would say it was over and he just does not have the balls to tell you that. On facebook was his status single or in a relationship?

  4. Drop him like a bad habit.

    There are so many good guys out there, limiting yourself to the only one who shows no interest in treating you right is a waste of your s**y girly awesomeness.

  5. um, that is a bad sign.

    My boyfriend [now ex] wouldn't text me back or anything. & when I called him he wouldn't answer. & when he did answer, he either wouldn't talk or said "i g2g". & we ended up breaking-up. Go to his work or something & talk to him face to face. Ask him whats going on & if anything's wrong. Something might be wrong & you just don't know it.

    But if it continues, I'd suggest you break-up.

  6. It sounds like there's a good chance he's a jerk. Sorry to say it, but there's no reason not to let you know what's going on. Time to find someone better.

  7. why force yourself on the guy? if he's ignoring you then dont bother calling him again. if he really did like you he wouldnt be doing this to you in the first place.  

  8. Guys don't like it when you push them to call you. As mad as it makes you, it's not gonna encourage him to call you, and he now proably thinks you're a little psycho especially if you just started going out...

    Sweetie, guys are jerks whether they are good or bad. You know why? Because you let them be. The ball is in his court. He is in control. He's got you all wound up and you let it be that way..

    When you make him that much more important he is going to hurt you and take advantage of you. You could do that to him too. You could, if you weren't so desperate to have this guy as your bf, not call him in 3 days, not answer his texts, and you would have HIM in control, because now he's showed you that you are powerful enough to p**s him off and upset him.

    But the difference is that because guys are a little stronger and see women as dispensible and replaceable, by the third unanswered call he will just start dating someone else.

    Girls? They'll keep calling and calling because women are afraid of being alone. They don't know what life is like without knowing someone likes them or loves them and is waiting for them to call and stuff. If girls stopped doing this, women would be more in control then men.

    You can't let your emotions get to you. Is this guy REALLY the only guy that you could ever date? If he turns out to be lame and dump you, do you wanna be known to all the other guys that he knows as the girl that calls constantly and doesn't leave you alone? No!

    It would be a different story if you and him have been dating for like over 3 months or something.

    But just started going out? You're not even really exclusive, to him you are still testing the waters and to be honest you kind of just messed things up for yourself.

    So unless you can redeem yourself from all this you just did, good luck.

    But seems like it's time to date another guy and cool it off on your own.

    Single is funer anyways.

  9. Um...I would first analyze if he is really your bf. Everyone has time to call during the day so he is obviously avoiding you especially based on everything you have said. I would stop trying to contact him first of all as you are making yourself look pathetic, needy, and insecure. Nine times out of ten once you stop contacting him, he will wonder why and then contact you. It's called a game. It's immature but it exists. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to recognize guys like this and have the ability to walk away as soon as possible. There WILL be another one.

  10. Get a life!

  11. ignore him.

  12. break up with him he not paying attiontion to you

  13. I think you should visit him when he's at work on his break or when he's home. If he's ignoring you like this you should immediately break it off because he apparently doesn't care enough for you... Unless of course some huge family emergency is going on... You can forgive him for that. But not for anything else, you don't deserve it.

  14. wake up and stop being played. it's going to be painful, but move on. Or, let him use ou when whatever he has going on on the side doesn't work out and he wants to fall back on you.

    Aren't you worth more than that?

  15. i'd laugh if were talking about the same guy, I hope his name isn't Andre lol. I dated a guy like that, real sweet heart and we had great time together all the time, but when we were away, it would be running a marathon to get ahold of him. I felt like a stalker when I ended up calling his house to talk to him. but anyways, maybe he needs some space.and if his name is Andre.............just end it now.....cause he is not worth your time if you don't understand his life story lol. good luck girl!!!!

  16. Well.....did you think doing things like calling him 3 days in a row and sending him a text saying you were mad were going to make him want to call you? If anything, it would scare him. You sound a bit clingy. Chill out, seriously. If he wanted to call, he'd call. Just b/c you had a great time yesterday doesn't mean he has to call you today. And the next day. And the next day.  

  17. talk to him tell him the things your telling us and lol im 13 so idk but do that talk to him

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