
What to do about my father???

by  |  earlier

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My father is selfish and never wants to go to his kids' house. Him and my mom live on a farm me and my brother live in two separate towns but same distance from farm When my dad goes into either town it is only my mother that comes over cause my dad HAS to go to the bar!!!! But fully expects us to come to his house. It pisses us off. We have tried talking to him. Does anyone have an suggestions on what we should do.




  1. I understand where you are coming from because my dad was an alcoholic as well. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to change him. You can only change yourself and the way you deal with him. It's hard but you probably have to realize at this point that the bottle means more to him at times than anything else. Try not to take it personally, it's not you. He's an alcoholic. Just try to live your life. Tell him that you love him and that he is always welcome in your house but that you need him to take turns seeing you. You will visit him one week and then the next week it is his turn. If he doesn't show then he doesn't get to see you. When he complains you'll have to re-explain how the plan works. Sooner or later he will either come around or you will come to the point where you accept the fact that he is never going to be the father you want and need. I'm sorry that he is disappointing you.  

  2. go to the bar and tell them thy see him more than you

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