
What to do at babysitting?

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i am babysitting a little 2 year old boy on friday. his parents are hving friends come and all the girls are going to american girl place and the boys to baseball that means i have him all day. from lik 10 am till they get homeso... what shuld i do with him???? of course we will play outside but wat fun crafts or somethin can we do????? ANY IDEAS PLEEAASSSEEEE!!!!! thankyou




  1. Keep him busy with his own toys.  Interact with him.   Walk around while outside and show him all the little things that we older people no longer take notice the plants, bugs, even the soil.  Put him in grubbies and let him play and get dirty.  Have a sippy cup for him, too.  They like to hold things all the time.  Often something in each hand satisfies little ones.  Follow him and observe when he gets tired.   It's easy to over stimulate kids at this age, so just try  not to overdo everything, but keep him busy if you see him wanting to toddle around.  You'll be tired at the end of the day, but these kids are so fun to watch and explore.  This world is still so new and they are impressed with just about everything!

  2. If you're allowed to bath him then pudding painting would be fun.  go on a treasure hunt.  play blocks, read some books, go for a walk, if you can go to a park (if allowed to leave with him) I don't know how old you are so it's hard to know what you can do.  

    Make cookies

    make fruit loop necklaces

    Good luck.  If all else fails parents almost expect a babysitter to put on a movie at some point.  Only nannies aren't expected to do this everyday.  It wont kill him if in the later afternoon when you've expired everything else then put on his fav disney flick and sit back with some fruit snacks!

  3. If you go to "" they have paper craft you could print and craft ideas for kids. good luck

  4. Go to the park, outside, painting, sticking, stories, drawing, anything really, most like that stuff!

  5. Play dough and large crayons but watch close some 2yr. olds place these in their mouths.  He will probably take a nap.  Blow bubbles for him to pop.

  6. fingerpainting

    cooking something easy (sandwhiches)




    anything the kid wants!!!!!!!!

  7. First and foremost..Just make everything fun for him...

    *Have a picnic outside

    *color pictures for his mommy and daddy

    *maybe finger-paint outside

    *teach him his colrs and shapes

    *go for a treasue hunt inside the go found things that are red...shiny things...Little kids always like traesure hunts

    *Let him help you make sandwhiches ..somethin easy

  8. You can bake cookies!  You measure, he pours the stuff in a bowl, you both mix with your hands (wash them first!).  Buy a bag of chocolate chips, the recipe is on the bag.  Also, 2 year olds love baths.  You can use cups or bottles in the tub to pour the water back and forth - that should keep him entertained for at least half an hour.  You can cut shapes out of construction paper and let him use a glue stick to make pictures.  I let my 2 year old finger paint naked in the tub (on paper) before he takes a bath - makes clean up super easy.  You can also make play-dough together (1 cup salt, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water), and make shapes with it.  Then bake it in a 250 degree oven for 2-3 hours and it'll get hard.  Have fun!

  9. Well, I run a daycare full of two year olds and so I have plenty of ideas! Going outside to play is great...Depending on what kind of weather you guys have, if it's nice, take him to the park...that right there will keep him busy for an hour or two. Pack a snack, otherwise he might get grouchy. If there's a wading pool nearby, take him there as well. If the weather is still too cold for this, then just a nice walk would be good. But he might still need a stroller for this because even though he may be walking, he might get tired after like 5 mintues, so make sure mum and dad leave the stroller.

    As for indoor activities, there's lots you can do. Kids that age love to color, so if you've got crayons and paper, you're set. Read a few books with him, have him help you bake some cookies or prepare lunch, do puzzles with him (age appropriate ones of course), watch a movie,...

    He'll most probably let you know what he feels like doing...Just remember that there's always nap time, so save the reading and mellow stuff for just before nap...otherwise he'll be too wired to go down.

  10. play with him as long as u can so that when he falls a sleep he sleeps for a long period u should try not to fall asleep u should constantly watch him ONE LOVE

  11. you can take him out for pizza buy him toys and what ever he wantys to do except destroy the house

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