
What to do in Summer vacation ?

by Guest60759  |  earlier

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I'm 11 and its the end of the school year. I don't know what to do over the summer vacation.I am a type of person who wants to be busy all the time .I want to be as busy as i can be.What can keep me busy?




  1. a cool thing that i like to do is help or go to vacation bible school at my church or a local one i love to help i like to play with kids and thats it!! i know that all teens like to make money cause im 13 and a fun thing to do is babysit for for friends and family!! if your not that kind of person swim if you dont know how maybe take lessons!! shoping, hanging with friends,going to the park!!! hope i helped ~victoria

  2. Learn a new skill, karate, play an instrument, paint, anything that keeps your mind or body going it will keep you sharp when school starts again. Camp maybe.

  3. try to learn how to play an instrument, its fun


    hangout with friends



  4. if you the athletic type try a sport!

    hangin with friends is always fun!

  5. try world of warcraft, i play it and it keeps you occupied for hours and even days...a few have died because they played it so much...anyways itl keep you busy

  6. What I've been doing is getting in shape. My goal is to be able to do a back bend. So I've been working on sit ups, bridge, and other various and sometimes pathetic gymnastic skills.

    Or just call all of your friends and have one over a day so you'll have a main kinda thing/"theme" o' the day.

    Camps are nice but it's prolly too late to register.

    Yeah and what everyone else said; beach, sports, craft, video games, etc.

    Make some stuff and try to sell it to buy more stuff to do. Then it'll become a cycle.

    -Make (uses time too!)



    AGAIN! =]

    joelmadden95 <3

  7. well even if your an 11 year old there are a lot of things possible for you. watch some of the best movies around so then you can come back to school totally informed about movies. also hang out with friends and relatives. even if your a boy or a girl go shopping for the hottest trends. and the last thing is SWIM!! if you can't swim take lessons and if you do teach someone else!

  8. you dont sound 11.................mmm...maybe summer school or a program............

  9. Maybe have friends over, go swimming at a local pool, ride your bike, see if your family can go somewhere for a weekend. Do what you like to do but make sure you get outdoors to get exercise. I hope this helps!

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