
What to do in Toronto,Canada?

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I'm from northern Europe. I've been living in Toronto for almost a year now. I'm a student, married. I've been getting kind of bored here...Can someone suggest anything? I'm not interested in nightlife so much. Arts, sports activities? Please advice how to boost my life in T.O.




  1. Have you been to the ROM? If you go on Fridays after 4 pm it's half price :)

    Or go watch a baseball game.

    Or perhaps go see a show by "Cirque du Soleil". They're supposed to be amazing. Their "Saltimbanco" show will be in Toronto in August, but you can buy tickets now.

    Also, check out for events going on around the city.

    And pick up a weekly copy of "NOW" magazine (It's free, in newspaper boxes in many streetcorners). It has calendars of events for the week.

  2. bored in TORONTO

    r u sure u are livin in the city!!!

    believe me theres lots of things to do in toronto it depends if u single married or w-e u married so u shd find lots of things interest u

    u can get bored in toronto!!!! get out

  3. You can go to Montreal and to the CN Tower! There is really good food at the CN Tower and good shops in Montreal if you like shopping. Most of the people there talk French prepared!

  4. I think there are a lot of sport activities in university. Most universities have swimming pool, track and field, tennis court, table tennis, and many. Occasionally, there are stage shows of drama performed usually by professors and faculty staffs, or students. You probably can organize your personal arts' show of photographic, your own painting, or even playing musical instrument in the hall inside the university. The faculty or university member are willing to help you out for no or low cost. I think there are a lot of arts or sport events in Toronto areas, or you can go to Montreal for a visit to the baseball field in the week end and come back to Toronto at the same day. I don't think Toronto is a boring city in Canada.

  5. - Baseball for as little as 2 dollars, but that might depend on the date sometimes, not positive.

    - Bball games and sit in sprite zones for cheap prices

    - Hockey? err... I love hockey but the TML aren't what they used to be since Pat Quinn left.

    Festivals and Events:

    Check out this website for more info, I used it when I was travelling:

  6. go to a brodway play....or if you like sports go to a maple leafs game or you could go to the cn tower.

  7. maple leafs!

  8. Welcome to Toronto, the most boring city on earth!

  9. i skateboard, and i've heard they have some real nice skateparks. a lot of good skaters up there.

  10. You can always try the movies, bowling/midnight bowling, the ROM, Leafs or Raptors games or shop as I see a lot of ladies doing when I go downtown  or most places in the GTA.  Go to a Jazz or poetry cafe type of thing, if you like poetry and Jazz(I like them both and will be going to some more of that in the future), museums, CN tower, etc.  There are a lot of things to do in T.O., it's a matter of finding them.  Most youngs folks get caught up in only the club scene for whatever reasons(I'm a young folk only in my twenties, but I'm not into the club scene much either)

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