
What to do with my EVP?

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My boyfriend and I were doing some paranormal investigations in the woods near my house. I was recording it with my mini DV. He was in front of me, and said something to me, and right when I said, "Huh?" something or someone made three whimpering noises. We did not hear it when we were out there filming, but after reviewing the tape we came across it and it scared the c**p out of us.

We reasoned that it wasn't an owl or any other kind of bird because it was so loud that I would have said something about it had I actually heard it. The noises sound rather human. It sounds rather female, maybe young. My bf thinks it is saying "mama" three times. How do I isolate that one part of the tape so that I can just have the EVP part? I'm new to mini DV so I'm not all technical! thanks




  1. I have caught many EVPs on my miniDV.  I upload them to my PC and then I can isolate the EVP section on the tape.

    There will be a bar that says catch clip.  Hit that bar when you come to that part of the tape and hit stop when it is over.  Don't forget to hit save.  I have only had my miniDV since Christmas.  Mine takes a fire wire and card, yours may also.  They are not expensive.  Let me know how it turns out.

  2. Maybe try applying some of the same scientific principles used to develop your mini DV player.  The scientific method is a good place to start.

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