
What to do with old magazines?

by  |  earlier

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I'm at a loss. Part of me likes to keep even the most light filler ones because I still read them occasionally, if not a lot, Also sometimes they have useful information that I need. However I don't have masses of room in my house.




  1. They are temporal objects. Re-use, recyle, and keep some favourites.

  2. give them to a doctors surgery for others to enjoy.

    re-use is better than recycling

  3. you could recycle them.

  4. Use them as wallpaper.

    I did this to one of the rooms in my house last week, and it's really good. As it's in my office, it's also quite inspiring too!

    You could always try putting them on ebay. I've bought old magazines from there in the past.

  5. U havent specified the tiltes of the magazines. Wud hav been easier to tell u what to do with them ;-)) I once worked in an advertising agency where the roof was plastered with what seemed to be cuttings from magazines. All beautiful stuff, not the horoscopes or recipes, but chanel, lacoste, gucci, etc. Gorgeous women & hunky guys. If ur magazies are in the league of playboy, they would be a waste in the doctor's surgery. Wud give some people further cause to see the doctor. You cud plaster them on ur bedroom roof. Sweet, saucy dreams!!!

  6. recycle them  

  7. well my mum takes her old magazines to the doctors in the waiting room because people read them while they are waiting to be seen. or you can recycle them

  8. Throw them in the bin, it wont be the end of the world!

  9. Give them to the local doctors or dentist for their reception area.

  10. Donate them to anywhere or recycle. Have a system where you keep them for so long then get rid of them.

  11. Use yahoo Q/A for all you information needs.

    Take the magazines to the doctors surgery.

  12. Store all the information you need in a book or something like that and recycle the rest.


  13. give them to the doctor or hospital come in handy for people waiting for there appointments. or if they are collectable sell them on ebay .

  14. i give them away  

  15. keep the ones that are important and you use often.

  16. Give them away to Dr's / dentist surgery's or recycle them.

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