
What to eat in acapulco?

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I am going on vacation next week and I wonder if anyone has any recommendations.




  1. Enjoy your true Mexican delicacies.  Tacos , burritos, chimichangas ,chuletas alla grilla con salsa Mexican  and guacamole. Fargo prito ( fried butter fish or small grouper )con inslada verde con avocado, Ceviche , fresh oyster , mussels ,clams and lobster.There is a lot of good restaurant around offering different  specialties. Hotels had a lot of fine dining offerings like  continental , French , Italians and Mediterranean cuisine. there is  a lots  of  Chinese and oriental restaurants too and als0 some Japanese. restaurants.

  2. nachos , cant go wrong with that, try it!

  3. If you see ceviche on the menu, try that.  If you want to try it before you go, there's a recipe in the link below.

  4. Arrdachera (sp??) is a great meat that they put into taco's you can also have it like a steak. Of course Guacamole is up there on my list as well. Have a great trip

  5. There are many fine resturants in Acapulco. Really depends on that you like to eat. And how much you are willing to spend. Is probably a good idea to contact Intersol Tours in Acapulco and explain what you are looking for exactly. They can be reached at

  6. Picadas -pronounced pee - ca -das ,  its a tortilla with a little edge on it that they put chicken, cheese, creme fresh and other things in it and some different sauces ( red and green ) as a condiment. I get mine in my neighborhood but they are everywhere. I also go up to the marina and find a little lady that does a bang up job.

    Dont eat fish or cerviche after 1 oclock - refridgeration aint the best - lets leave it at that :0

    Dont eat a thing being peddeled on the beach - especially oysters - lets just leave it at that :)

    On Thursday its tradition to eat Pazole - A soup ( green or white ) with chicken and some rice ,served with all kinds of stuff on the side. I dont think its that great but its tradition on Thursdays. Your in Mexico so enjoy !!!!

    Alot - yep that's the name - pronounced a - lot - tay. Its corn that they put a spoon of mayonnaise and top with cheese and salsa if you want.

    Tortas - a sandwich of sorts. Ham , beef , tomatoes , a ton of cheese and some jalapenos. Go to the water fountain of Diana, go inside Oxxo and get a beer , exit out the side door ( not on the gas station pump side ) and go across the street to Tortas Diana. They are 26 pesos and they rule !

    Tacos barbacoa - get them also at Tortas Diana.I LOVE Tacos Barbachoa about 25 pesos.

    Anything like sunglasses , t shirts , and souvineers from the street vendors - start at half price and be prepared to walk if they wont bargin. They will stop you and agree to the price 90% of the time. they are PROFESSIONAL barginers !!!! I wouldnt go much past half price - seriously. Never pay what they are asking. Divide price in pesos by 10 and thats it equivilant in dollars.

    All blue buses go from one end of the costera to the other and are 4.50 except for the A/C nice ones and they  are 5.50 pesos. s***w the cab now that you know the bus. Just pound on the side of the bus or yell BAA HAA and he will pull over and drop you off. Wave them down to board one - there is no real " stops "

    Best beach -Playa Diana marked by the round water fountain with Diana at the top the beach is across the Costera from the Oxxo. So get your lunch at Tortas Diana and then get your beer at Oxxo ( ice from the front beer display is free - fill up you plastic bag that containd the beer ) and head across the Costera and down the wooden walkway and head left. I hang out at the big stand alone rock there - about 50 yards. the rocks add intrest to the beach and you can dive off them and all in all its the best beach spot.

    Take an hour to go to fort of San Diego up near the Marina and where the cruise ships come in. Kinda tourist layout but real informative and worth the hour I think. Visit the mens bathroom and check out how they flush the stand up urinal !

    Go across the street from the Fort entrance and catch a bus to Pie de la Cuesta.

    You have to go !!!!   20 to 25 foot waves on a completely deserted beach. You can sunbathe naked its so deserted. Dont go play in the wave - they wil kill you - seriously !

    The beach is about 80 yards wide and goes on for miles - all deserted. Catch the Pie de la Cuesta bus ( green in color ) will be written at the top of the windshield but catch the one that says " playa luces " also. It will take about an hour maybe to go all the way out past the air force base. Keep on it and enjoy the sights of the real Acapulco. it will follow the runway and about 3 miles he will kick you off and turn around for the return trip into Acapulco. Get off and enjoy the peace and quite. No car horns !!!  Just peace !  Grab some beers and snacks at the tiny store and follow the ally ways to the beach. I usually am near Hotel Gloria/ The crashing waves are incredible and loud.

    I usually stroll around and go up an ally way for more beer and lunch and then hang out at a bar on the street and wait for the same green bus to take me back. Keep an eye on your beer and bus as you got o chug it down and wave him down or else he will keep going. You may want to consider gettting a hotel room at Pie de la Cuesta for a night or two - tons of 'em. Cheap too, most have a small pool looking over the beach. Gotta catch a Pie sunset - INCREDIBLE !

    Pie de la Cuesta also has a huge fresh water lake for skiing and boating or jetskiing. You will see it from the bus as you enter onto Pie de la Cuesta. Its a real secert little gem that tourists dont know about. Complete solitude w/o all the peddler's and people of Acapulco.

    Carnitas at Pie de la Cuesta are great !!!

    Bus is 4.50 pesos. A taxi out to the Pie - maybe 100 pesos.

    Make sure you have a backpack, digital camera, flip flops , sunglasses and an Ipod to enjoy Acapulco.

    Skip Colleta to the north and to the south Puerta Marquis - both are tiny dirty beaches. Playa Diana and the Pie are the best !

    Favorite bar - Oasis - look for the huge Mexican flag - cant miss it. Go around 5 when they take down the umbrellas and set up tables and chairs beach side and have a bucket of Corinas on the beach and catch the sunset. Usually a live band and just a great little bar on the beach. Watch the legs of your chair and the sand. After a couple of beers your sure to take a dive :) as they sink in.

    E mail me if you need anything...............

  7. roasted lizards on a stick is a local favorite

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