
What to expect from high school?

by Guest59720  |  earlier

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HI!!! My cousin iz goin to be a freshman and she wants 2 know what to expect frm high school. Teachers, work boys relationshipz college sports everythang the whole 9 yards




  1. i think it depends on the high school you go to.

    do a little research on the high school and have your cousin talk to someone who currently goes there. Times change the high school she goes to might have been good a couple years ago but is now bad or the other way around.

  2. High school was fun.  Just tell her to remember, if she is going to college she needs to take classes that are going to prepare her for it.  Def. make sure you take 2 yrs. foreign language cuz that keeps you outta having to take it in college and college foreign language classes are HARD!!!  Tell her the boys are the same old dummies and the teachers are a little more strict.  They have to worry about you guys graduating and getting to live your dreams.  Sports are more competitive, but if she is playing now, she needs to keep playing.  If for no other reason than to get it on her college app.  AND last but most important, BE HAPPY>   High School is a blast as long as you don't let other people tear you down.

  3. Well it all depends on what school you go to. I go to a small high school, and it's nothing like the movies, almost everyone gets along, and people look out for each other. But i guess just tell her to enter with a positive attitude, and tell her not to worry, with all of the other students, she'll make friends fast, and it's all about knowing people in high school, so once you make friends, it's up hill from there.

  4. how do you pronounce your name?


    -girls trying to be popular

    -a lot of horny boys

    -teachers who give you a lot of work and try to prepare you for college

    -a lot of relationships that may not last long

    -some fights with your friends

    -peer pressure (don't give in!!!)

    -wild parties

    and that's basically it. you will learn new things, meet new people and be faced with a lot of challenges but stay strong and it's be over soon enough

    best wishes to your cousin

  5. Confused put it perfectly. In highschool, it is party awesome, partly h**l. There are cliques and annoying friends that will attempt to climb the social ladder at all costs. Boys tend to be immature by leaps and bounds at this age, but it can be hilarious and eventually wears off, after they find something funnier than farts. The best thing I ever did in highschool was take AP classes, even though I did not take them all for credit. It made my first year of college a breeze.

  6. Four years of absolute h**l.

  7. Lots of homework,mean a** teachers who get on your nerves and are boring but you'll have some cool ones, getting a part time job,getting your heart broken,maybe some rumors,arguements,finding out who your friends are,getting in the biggest trouble you ever got in lol!! college sports and all that comes as you are and depends on what you want to do!! HAVE FUN!!!!

  8. Wut I learned my freshmen year is that teachers don't give a f***. If u do the work fine if u don't its ur grade they won't hesitate in failing u. U really have 2 be responsible they aren't gonna be pushing u 2 do it. The only real drama ur gonna be getting is from ur old friends. They're gonna be the 1s who r gonna start acting like real b***** only ur true friends will stick by. Movies aren't true when this s****. girl starts s*** with new girls or wutevr the skools 2 big 4 any of that. Football games and basketball games r the best! Its fun 2 go all out and show ur skool spirit its something ur cuzins really gonna love and if she wants 2 join a sport join NOW!!! Its possible that she'll find a good boyfriend cuz in highskool its always easy 2 find pple who share ur interests. There is no peer pressure 2 have s*x or do drugs unless u choose the wrong crowds. NO the seniors do not take u the wrong direction if u get lost lol they actually help. They should be having a freshmen orientation tell her 2 take her schedual so she can know were all her classes r ahead of time =] highskool can be great if she wants it 2 be =]

  9. it took me a lot of getting used to. it was hard for me when i went to the same school for 9 years to switch schools. here are some tips:

    1) always smile- smiling shows you're friendly and you're open to people for conversation. smile at people and teachers.

    2) dress to impress- don't change your style for the first day of school or throughout the year. wear something a little nicer for the first day, but that's it.

    3) have good posture- don't walk in a room slouched over. sit up straight in your seat and walk standing upright.

    4) have confidence- if you get the chance to stand up and talk about yourself the first day in a room, do it right. get up and smile and look people in the eyes, even if you don't know them. it will show you're friendly. you could practice this at home before you start school.

    5) smell nice- spray a hint of a cute perfume on yourself before each class. =)

    6) act comfortable, even if you're not- this one's hard, but you have to do it. don't go up and talk and keep saying "uh" and such.

    7) be kind- if you see someone who is lost or needs help, help them. that's how you make friends.

    8) be active in school- me and my locker partner became close because of fbla. i met so many upperclassmen and such being in a club. sports are also really good because you will find people with comon interest.

  10. okay she will face a enviorment of extreme adversity she will be exposed to a huge variety of experiances good or bad there will be peer pressure for sure there will be boys but arond 19%percent will only date her for one reason so dont get to emotionally involved there will be cliques she may or may not have trouble fitting in with high school has its ups and downs but remeber one thing you should always put school b4 drama

  11. Its sooooo much fun. I was scared rite b4 i went and wen i got there it was sooo much fun. Parties every weekend, more people and more friends, more FREEDOM, everything is better. But tha most important thing is dont get off track wit grades. Im goin 2 tha 10th grade and im goin 2 have 2 work extra hard cuz thats one thing i did wrong. I got so caught up in boys and  friends my grades became tha least important thing so dont let that happen

  12. You'll be surprised how similar to middle school it is.

    You get more freedom etc. The worst thing is the requirements for the classes, midterms, and end of the year exams.

    Depending on the group of people you hang out with you wont have to worry about drama and drugs.

    High school is nothing to worry about. I was surprised how cool it was. I love school now lol

  13. Don't have any expectations and you won't be disappointed.

    I honestly hated high school all three years I went. I was so bullied this year by my two "best" friends, one since kindergarten the other since 7th grade, that I actually dropped out of school. I could no longer take it. The school wouldn't help nor would the parents. It started in September then would stop for a month or two then start back up. I am now getting my GED and going to college for psychology or chemical dependency in January.

    I'll get ahead in the long run but I'll never be able to have a grad. party or walk across the stage and get a diploma. GED and diplomas are not the same thing in my mind. Instead of starting out at a four year school, I have to start at a community college and transfer. I'm going to go to college year round including summer semesters.

    Don't worry about boys or relationships.

  14. Highskool is a bunch of fun!! thats if u hang with the rite people and do the rite things. Don't get caught up in wat everyone else is doin or things could go bad for u. make alot of friends that are upperclassmen and it will be more funner. its kinda scary a first cause u worry bout getting lost and other stuff but as you go along things get really easy

  15. depends really on your social status i can be really good or really bad.

  16. a good time

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