
What to expect from lifeguard training?

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im taking a lifeguard training class in about a month. im an ok swimmer and im going to practice until then. my mom used to be a lifeguard so ill have some help...but im not like a swim master or anything.... think i'll be ok??????




  1. One of my friends was a lifeguard before she went to college, and she had asthma. During the testing she stopped to use her inhaler and they knocked off points. In a regular sized pool, I think you have to do a mile swim, or maybe even more. I hope you have good luck with your lifeguard training!!!

  2. The swim test for lifeguarding (assuming it is an American Red Cross course) will consist of 300 yards (12 laps) of swimming.  The first 8 laps will be freestyle and the last 4 will be breaststroke.  You will also have to retrieve a 10-pound brick from deep water and bring it back to the wall using only your legs and you will not be allowed to touch the bottom.  

    The class is great fun and so is being a lifeguard.  Good Luck.

  3. You'd be a great life guard.


    1- Vigorous swimming training exercises

    2- Danger for your own life in those life saving techniques

    3- Extensive life giving first aid solutions

    4- Responsibility burdens

    5- Situation agility & mobility

    6- Decision & reaction speed tests

  4. Normally lifeguard is just can you pay attention, are you good with people, can you swim, can you do cpr properly. A majority of training is spent on proper cpr procedure. Nothing to worry about until you actually need to use it.

  5. ok so i just did lifeguard training it was ok even tohugh i had lost my voice and had a biggg headache. we watch like 5 hours of a video, in all. It lasted a few days. we'd always start out swimming laps and we learned a bunch of saves, practiced them endlessly on eachother, dived 16 feet to retrieve a 10 pund weight, and practiced CPR on dummies. i oh and at the end we had to do a multiple choice exam but it was easy and everyone passed. i met lots of cool people so it was bearable. i tihnk you'll love it.

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