
What to feed a baby bird?

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i found a baby bird that fell out of a nest at my horse barn, hes fully feathered and everything, but still needs care until he can fly, ive tried to get him back to a nest, but i couldnt, it was just too high up there, what can i feed him? ive tried moistened cat food, which worked last time i had a baby bird from the barn, but he was much younger, i think the problem here is trust, i also tried normal bird food, that i feed my parakeet, but idk if hes eating it.




  1. If the bird is feathered - it's  a fledgling.

    Feed it nothing.  Please put it back where you found it, and leave it alone.  The parents will care for it - they know exactly what and how to feed their chicks.

    Baby birds leave the nest (fledge), before they can fly. The jump, fall and tumble to the ground - it's natural.  

    Fledglings learn to fly from the ground.  While they are on the ground, the parents continue to feed and protect them.

    This bird needs it's parents.  You cannot teach it the essential skills needed to survive in the wild.  Every second you have it in your hands you risk imprinting the bird, further reducing it's chance of survival.

    Please put it back immediately, and leave the area so the parents can return.

    Do not worry about the parents rejecting the chick.  99.9% of all birds have a poor sense of smell.  Birds cannot smell humans and will not abandon a chick that has been touched.

    Having the bird in your home is illegal.  All native wild birds are protected by federal law in the US and Canada, and most other developed countries.  You cannot have them in your possession, unless you have a specific wildlife license that allows you to do so. the poster that recommended milk.... When is the last time you saw a bird with nipples?

    Birds are birds.  Mammals are mammals.  Mammals produce and drink milk.  Birds are not mammals.  Birds do not produce milk, nor can they drink it.

    Birds are lactose intolerant.  They cannot digest milk.  It will kill them.

  2. Try cutting a wooden popsicle stick to the shape of a beak and use oatmeal (since that cat food doesn't work).  That's what I used years ago.

  3. Put the bird back where you found it does not need your help..nor did it fall from the nest.  If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly.   You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it.  Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched.

  4. Mash up some nightcrawlers. I know it sounds gross, but they love em.

  5. Well my parents have birds that just recently had babies, and they boiled milk and bread so that the mother ate it, then like... vomited it out and gave it to the babies. I guess they read about it so it's accurate. You basiclly need some form of an eye dropper with boiled c**p in it, and i guess just drop small amounts into the bird's mouth.

  6. Hi,

    PLEASE read this article it will help you!

  7. I currently have a bb bird 2, i feed it milk mixed with a bit of yogert and warm water. Bread soaked in eaither milk, water or a crushed grape. Meal worms 2 (they wont eat them at first so cut them in half and hold the severed end 2 his beak and get him 2 taste it then he'll try and eat) (you might need 2 cut them up fairly small) He likes the inside green stuff in crushed grapes as well. the little nut :) so. feed him with tweezers my guys feathered 2 but if you tap the bottom of their beak they usualy gape (if no carfully part his beak with forcepts or tweezer) (use the tweezers to feed him) and if he absolutly wont eat and spits up leave him be. (to get him 2 drink put a drop of water in the corner of his beak and he'll drink is he's thirsty.

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