
What to teach a 2yr. old?

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My 2 yr.old is too much stubborn. She has learnt to speak a couple of alphaphabet, though doesn't recognise them as letters.Also counts one to ten. But it is difficult to teach her all these. She only learns by watching children's programmes and according to her own will only. Is it natural or should we start a regular teaching period for, say, 1 or 2 hour a day. What are the things she should learn now.?she doesn't go to preschool, so how to prepare in this stage for her school admission at 3 +1/2 yr. of age?Are we worrying a bit early?




  1. dont worry shes only 2 she will slowly learn just be patient with her n before u no it she will no her stuff!!!

  2. You have some very good answers, so I will keep this simple.  Let her guide you.  Do little things like counting steps when you go up and down.  Read stories and point out names that start with the same letter as hers.  When she is curious answer her simply and don't make that answer too difficult for her to understand.  Some of the children's shows are very good.  She may learn to sing the alphabet before she can recognize it.

  3. Dude,

        It's day teach her one day alphabets and the other day numbers.or keep her tution to a teacher who is strict.i can give u a number and address of her 9324171620.c--304,holy cross road i.c.extension poonam residency borivali west.her name is Shirley Daniels.

  4. never do a regular teaching period,

    lil is right,

  5. My boyfriend has a 2 year old and he is counting a little and knows the alphabet a little, we practice them but without making it seem like a school session. When we are walking to the park or in the car I'll randomly start to count and he'll follow. He loves educational show and loves to read. I think when they are ready to remember it they will, how do you make them? It's impossible. I wouldn't worry quite yet.

  6. my daughter is 3. singing helps them learn so fast. I don't care that people say TV is bad for a 2 year old it is not. Sesame street, Dora, and barney are WONDERFUL learning shows and because of all the song, kids remember better the things taught on these shows. 2 hours of tv a day is not bad especially if you live in a place where winter is really long and cold and you just can't get outside. So, i recommend these shows for your daughter, plus sit with her and sing the alphabet and just teach shapes right now. square,circle,triangle. They are never too young to learn.

  7. If i were you, i will let my baby watch "Blue's Clues" program.

    Even though, i'm 25 but i keep myself enjoying to watch this program. it teaches me the logical thinking, positive thinking development, and interpersonal skill. it includes soft and clean music that might encourage the baby's 5 senses.

    In addition, all great lessons are the stories in bible that you would be his/her example.

    may GOD bless...

  8. My son is three.  I always have sprout or noggin on.  He really doesn't sit and watch, but then we will be riding in the car or getting ready for bed and he will start singing or counting.  He does go to preschool and has since he was an infant and I am sure that helps a lot.  We also read a lot together.. whatever you choose to do make it fun.  There is nothing better than a toddler laugh..  I smile now just thinking about my son's laugh  :)

  9. Don't worry!!  She's doing great!!!  Of course she can't recognize letters.  She's still too young!!!  Let her play.  

    Reading to your child and limiting the amount of TV she watches is the best thing for her at age 2.  Both my sons attended 3 and 4 year old preschool.  I have one that is reading 3 levels above his grade and one that is right on track.  Each child learns in their own time.  But having a 2 year who can't recognize letters or numbers is the norm.

    Don't stress out!!  Just give her lots of love.  Lot's of praise.  Just let her be 2!!!

  10. I remember when my son was that age. My son is 5 now. He can count up to 30. I read alot to him, I remember when he used to let me read up to 20 books in one sitting. Simple books though, nothing too complicated. Get some educational toys as well, like those puzzle boards, simple flash cards with colours, and objects. Don't rush your child then she may become discouraged. I always sit with him and spend time with him. Colouring or drawing and we talk too.

  11. Teach everything, like the basic so that they know what they need to know for 1st Grade.

  12. I think it is best to let a two-year old discover on their own, and don't push for so much order.  Imitation is really the only way for them to learn at this stage. So if there is something you would like for the two year old to do, repitition, repitition is the best teacher.  But now is a great time to expose the child to everything music, reading, playing, just a little at a time because their attention spans are very short, but what they are able to pick up in the short period is amazing.

  13. I am the mother of a 2 year old, have studied early childhood edcuation and teach preschool!  It sounds like you have a normal 2 year old on your hands. Generally 2 year olds learn from others around them, how to speak, how to play, how to behave, how to eat, put on clothes, etc. Most of their energy is focused on these things as well as activity and movement and practicing what the see and hear around them.

    Generally 2 year olds are stuborn and moody because they have a hard time expressing themselves.    Right now, let your child develop her language ability and expose her to many tactile types of activities (hearing, touching, seeing, smelling, tasting). Talk to her about her environment ("Ohh, look at that girl over there crying, she must be very sad." or "wow! look at the flowers, they are very colorful...what colors can you see? Pink, red, purple, etc.". You will soon notice her repeating things you have said even a few hours or few days and she will begin to even begin to say things on her own.

    2 year olds are not able to understand concepts such as numbers or letters yet. They may recognize them or be able to memorize them but they will not actually be able to "count" or "read" until they are at least 38 months old (mostlikely older than that!). It is best not to "force" these concepts on her unless she is truely interested in them. Also, preschool will teach her many of these things. Each child is different and some children understand and can learn certain things quicker  than others, but you really don`t need to worry about your child being behind on things like reading, writing and numbers until she is at least 6 or 7 years old.

  14. Teach him the theory of relativity and some genetic manipulation.If he doesnt understand im really sorry but he is demented then...

  15. U are not worrying to much! U are a mother! When ur child enters preschool they help them alot with sharing,others feelings, and of course 123s and abcs. I wouldnt worry to much as long as u play with your child daily with educational toys u will have no problems. Its ok if she/he doesn't know alot of that now. My son is 13 and he wasnt the smartest kid on the block at that age. They pick up alot in preschool and kindegarten.Ur doing fine!

  16. teach everinthg but with love

  17. She will learn on her own time, every child is different. Do start a regular teaching period, but not for an hour, that's too long for a 2 yr old attention span. Buy plenty of educational toys and books. If you are a SAHM take her out and teach her things if you can, it will make it more fun. My son started pre-k when he was 2 1/2 and he was there all day. But before that I read to him, he knew all of his ABC's could count to 10 and he recognized more than half of the alphabets and all of his numbers. I have to admit he did learn alot from TV like Sesame Street and Disney Channel. Also practice writing with her, the first thing my son wrote was the number 1....real simple and I always praised him for it. Now he's and can write his own name (Joshua)..

    Just make it fun for her.

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