
What to wear & Weather?

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We are planning a trip in January 08 to Kowloon China & Vietnam( Ho Chi Minh, Hue, Hoi An, Hanoi) what will the weather be like and what should we take for clothes? Is there anything we shouldn't wear ?




  1. i havent come Hue , Hoi An nor Hanoi , but I can tell you that you can wear anything you want except fur coat . There is no winter in VN . The temp in HCM city is hotter than in the North and the middle .

  2. its pretty hot in me.u should bring like tank tops n thin tshirts n shorts.but also bring rain materials cuz wen it rains it really rains!dont bring too much things though cuz since its gonna be hot u dont want to bring all of that with u.sometimes the weather will be breezy but mostly its goin to be really really really hot!n then sometimes it'll be rainy so pack stuff u really need.goodluck on ur trip!

  3. I first came to Ha Noi 10 years ago. It was one of the coldest winters they had experienced in a long time. It was miserably cold! Traveled between Ha Noi and the Chinese border and it was cold, cold, cold! The last couple of years the winters haven't been that cold. It is cool in the mornings now in Ha Noi, so it may well be another cold winter - or maybe not.

    I was in Quang Tri 40 years ago. In the rain and damp, and it was cold.

    Bring warm clothes - it can get cold!

    You can always peel off the warm layers if you have them. Be a little sensitive to local sensibilities. Short-sleeves are more appropriate than sleeveless.

  4. dont know loook it up on google!!!!!duh!!!!!!!!!

  5. In Vietnam, wear  short  w/zipper pocket, nice T-shirt, and a cap. It will be hot and humid in the South, but the North is a  bit  cooler. You should leave  your clothes at home because you  will buy  alots of  souvenier  clothes in Vietnam. Bring your camera and video and  a extra  batteries for  the  trip.

    No Halong Bay on  your trip??

  6. Weather in Vietnam. South Vietnam Ho Chi Mihn City can range from middle 70's at night to middle 80's in day time. The farther north you go the cooler it will get, not alot cooler but some. Good news is rainy season is over not much rain falls in January.  Light weight  and light color clothing best during the day.

  7. the weather will be wear less clothes...o else it will be hot hot hot

  8. i went there around the same time about 2 years ago. For me and my family the weather varied from place to place. In Hoi An it was surprisingly cold, and i mean COLD. so i suggest you bring one or two pairs of warm pants. But in Ho Chi Minh city things were very different. It was so hot that i fainted. Be careful and keep very hydrated. We had one night of VERY heavy rain but it was still humid. (it feels like taking a warm shower) Hue and Hanoi had perfect weather. All you really need is a light jacket.

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