
What to you think of Tavish?

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This is a Scottish boys name, the equivalent of Thomas. Just wondered what everyone thought? What does it bring to mind?




  1. It sounds unique. People will not say it right. Anyway, I like it. It is a good name.

  2. I like Thomas better.

    it actually sounds like a baby named Travis learning to talk, trying to say his own name lol

  3. I wont go for it.

  4. I really like it.  It's unique but it doesn't sound like a made up way out there name.

  5. I guess in Scotland its a great name'

    I like the name but might be a bit out of place out of Scotland

    But then its your choice xx

  6. It's not bad. I think I like other Irish names better though. My favorite is Seamus.

  7. It's weird in a good way.

    I like it.

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